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Context: backend
Context: backend
Issue is involved with the backend.
Context: frontend
Context: frontend
Issue is involved with the frontend.
Context: fullstack
Context: fullstack
Issue involves all elements
Context: ui/ux
Context: ui/ux
Issue is involved with the user interface and experience.
From: comms
From: comms
From communications
From: demo
From: demo
From general observations in demos.
From: security
From: security
Items from Security observations.
From: staffing
From: staffing
From the Staffing Team
From: us
From: us
From the team's continuous improvement.
From: users
From: users
From our users.
Priority: 1 - low
Priority: 1 - low
Low Priority Items that aren't likely to be actioned quickly.
Priority: 2 - medium
Priority: 2 - medium
Medium (Default) Priority Items
Priority: 3 - high
Priority: 3 - high
High Priority Items that should be actioned.
Priority: 4 - critical
Priority: 4 - critical
Critical Items that must be actioned before end of sprint.
Priority: 5 - production
Priority: 5 - production
Items that must be completed ASAP, affecting production.
Size: 1
Size: 1
Velocity 1 Items - "Low Hanging Fruit"
Size: 1/2
Size: 1/2
Velocity 1/2 Items - "Almost Done"
Size: 2
Size: 2
Velocity 2 Items - "Piece of Cake"
Size: 3
Size: 3
Velocity 3 Items - "It Ain't Rocket Science"
Size: 5
Size: 5
Velocity 5 Items - "Chinco Ornitorinco"
Size: 8
Size: 8
Velocity 8 Items - "An Arm and a Leg"
Size: 13
Size: 13
Velocity 13 Items - "Just Squeaking By"
Size: 20
Size: 20
Velocity 20 Items - "All eggs in one basket"
Size: 40
Size: 40
Velocity 40 Items - "Meteres en un berenjenal"
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
This item is blocked by another item or process.
Status: Feedback Needed
Status: Feedback Needed
This item requires feedback from the product management team.
Status : Needs Refinement
Status : Needs Refinement
This item does not have enough information yet to be considered.
Status: On Hold
Status: On Hold
This item is on hold for other reasons.
Status: Review Needed
Status: Review Needed
This item requires review from a technical standpoint.
Type: bug
Type: bug