Issue is involved with the backend.
Issue is involved with the frontend.
Issue involves all elements
Issue is involved with the user interface and experience.
From general observations in demos.
Items from Security observations.
From the team's continuous improvement.
Low Priority Items that aren't likely to be actioned quickly.
Medium (Default) Priority Items
High Priority Items that should be actioned.
Critical Items that must be actioned before end of sprint.
Items that must be completed ASAP, affecting production.
Velocity 1 Items - "Low Hanging Fruit"
Velocity 1/2 Items - "Almost Done"
Velocity 2 Items - "Piece of Cake"
Velocity 3 Items - "It Ain't Rocket Science"
Velocity 5 Items - "Chinco Ornitorinco"
Velocity 8 Items - "An Arm and a Leg"
Velocity 13 Items - "Just Squeaking By"
Velocity 20 Items - "All eggs in one basket"
Velocity 40 Items - "Meteres en un berenjenal"
This item is blocked by another item or process.
This item requires feedback from the product management team.
This item does not have enough information yet to be considered.
This item is on hold for other reasons.
This item requires review from a technical standpoint.