A web application for collecting freshman chronicles.
You need the following to work with this app:
node version >= 6.11.1 (6.11.1 recommended, check out node version manager)
this repository
# For accessing the utils
api-secrets from google
a .env file from github.com/juliusrajala
- To get started, you first need to run node package manager to install the packages used by this project. You can do this by running the command:
npm install
in the root directory of this project. - After the packages are done installing, you should be good to go. Run the start script with
npm start
. - The project should now be served, navigate your browser to see your new node app at
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Create React App does a lot of stuff under the hood. It's currently widely regarded as the best way to get started with a new react application.
You can find the guide for working with Create React App here.
Feel free to use the code in this repository as you see fit.