Serverless API. Scrape data from a supermarket website and store it in a dynamoDB database.
Its a mono-repo with the following structure:
- Serverless API - Productsscraper
- Serverless Scrapershared
- Shared code
The infrastructure is defined using Terraform.
The api lambda is triggered by an API Gateway and the scraper lambda is triggered by the api.
[GET] /api/v1/products
- Get all products
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "Success getting all products",
"data": [
"product_id": "uuid",
"name": "Producto 1",
"category": "category 1",
"original_price": 899,
"discounted_price": 0
"product_id": "uuid",
"name": "Producto 2",
"category": "category 2",
"original_price": 999,
"discounted_price": 0
[GET] /api/v1/products/{ProductID}
- Get a product by ID
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "Success getting product",
"data": {
"product_id": "uuid",
"name": "Producto 1",
"category": "category 1",
"original_price": 899,
"discounted_price": 0
[POST] /api/v1/products
- Update Data needs a token
"update_data" : true
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "Success updating data",
"data": null
[POST] /api/v1/users
- Register a user
"username": "username",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password",
"role": "admin"
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "Success registering user",
"data": "User username created successfully ID: uuid"
[POST] /api/v1/users/login
- Login a user
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "Success logging in",
"data": "token"
[GET] /api/v1/users
- Get all users
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "Success getting all users",
"data": [
"user_id": "uuid",
"username": "username",
"email": "[email protected]",
"user_id": "uuid",
"username": "username",
"email": "[email protected]",
direction TB
%% Interfaces en la parte superior
class ProductRepository {
+GetAll() []Product
+GetByID(id: string) Product
class ProductService {
+GetAll() []ProductResponse
+GetByID(productID: string) ProductResponse
+UpdateData(updateData: UpdateDataRequest) bool
class ProductController {
+GetAll(ctx: *gin.Context)
+GetByID(ctx: *gin.Context)
+UpdateData(ctx: *gin.Context)
%% Implementaciones en el medio
class ProductRepositoryImpl {
-dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI db
-string tableName
+GetAll() []Product
+GetByID(id: string) Product
class ProductServiceImpl {
-ProductRepository productRepository
+GetAll() []ProductResponse
+GetByID(productID: string) ProductResponse
+UpdateData(updateData: UpdateDataRequest) bool
class ProductControllerImpl {
-ProductService productService
+GetAll(ctx: *gin.Context)
+GetByID(ctx: *gin.Context)
+UpdateData(ctx: *gin.Context)
%% Clases relacionadas con productos y respuestas en la parte inferior
class Product {
+string ProductID
+string Name
+string Category
+int OriginalPrice
+int DiscountedPrice
class UpdateDataRequest {
+bool UpdateData
class ProductResponse {
+string ProductID
+string Name
+string Category
+int OriginalPrice
+int DiscountedPrice
class BaseResponse {
+int Code
+string Status
+string Message
+interface Data
%% Implementación de Interfaces
ProductRepositoryImpl ..|> ProductRepository : implements
ProductServiceImpl ..|> ProductService : implements
ProductControllerImpl ..|> ProductController : implements
%% Relaciones entre clases
ProductResponse <|-- BaseResponse : data
ProductRepositoryImpl o-- Product : manages
ProductServiceImpl o-- ProductResponse : returns
ProductServiceImpl o-- UpdateDataRequest : uses
ProductControllerImpl o-- BaseResponse : returns
direction TB
%% Interfaces
class ScraperRepository {
+Create(product models.Product) (models.Product, error)
+DeleteAll() error
class ScraperService {
+GetProducts() (bool, error)
class Scraper {
+CleanPrice(price string) (int, error)
+ScrapeData(baseURL string, maxPage int, category string) ([]models.Product, error)
%% Implementaciones
class ScraperRepositoryImpl {
-dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI db
-string tableName
+Create(product models.Product) (models.Product, error)
+DeleteAll() error
class ScraperServiceImpl {
-Scraper scraper.Scraper
-ScraperRepository scraperRepository
+GetProducts() (bool, error)
class ScraperImpl {
-colly.Collector Collector
+CleanPrice(price string) (int, error)
+ScrapeData(baseURL string, maxPage int, category string) ([]models.Product, error)
%% Clases relacionadas
class Product {
+string ProductID
+string Name
+string Category
+int OriginalPrice
+int DiscountedPrice
%% Implementación de Interfaces
ScraperRepositoryImpl ..|> ScraperRepository : implements
ScraperServiceImpl ..|> ScraperService : implements
ScraperImpl ..|> Scraper : implements
%% Relaciones entre clases
ScraperServiceImpl --> ScraperImpl : scraper
ScraperServiceImpl --> ScraperRepositoryImpl : scraperRepository
ScraperRepositoryImpl --> Product : manages
ScraperImpl --> Product : returns
direction TB
%% Interfaces
class UserRepository {
+GetAll() ([]models.User, error)
+GetByID(id string) (models.User, error)
+Create(user models.User) (models.User, error)
+GetByEmail(email string) (models.User, error)
class UserService {
+RegisterUser(createUserReq request.CreateUserRequest) (models.User, error)
+GetAllUsers() ([]response.UserResponse, error)
+GetUserByID(id string) (response.UserResponse, error)
+LogInUser(logInUserReq request.LogInUserRequest) (response.LogInUserResponse, error)
class UserController {
+RegisterUser(c *gin.Context)
+GetAllUsers(c *gin.Context)
+GetUserByID(c *gin.Context)
+LogInUser(c *gin.Context)
%% Implementaciones
class UserRepositoryImpl {
-dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI db
-string tableName
+GetAll() ([]models.User, error)
+GetByID(id string) (models.User, error)
+Create(user models.User) (models.User, error)
+GetByEmail(email string) (models.User, error)
class UserServiceImpl {
-UserRepository userRepository
-*validator.Validate validator
-utils.PasswordHasher passwordHasher
-utils.JWTUtils jwtUtils
+RegisterUser(createUserReq request.CreateUserRequest) (models.User, error)
+GetAllUsers() ([]response.UserResponse, error)
+GetUserByID(id string) (response.UserResponse, error)
+LogInUser(logInUserReq request.LogInUserRequest) (response.LogInUserResponse, error)
class UserControllerImpl {
-services.UserService userService
+RegisterUser(c *gin.Context)
+GetAllUsers(c *gin.Context)
+GetUserByID(c *gin.Context)
+LogInUser(c *gin.Context)
%% Clases relacionadas
class User {
+string UserID
+string Username
+string Email
+string Password
+string Role
class CreateUserRequest {
+string Username
+string Email
+string Password
+string Role
class LogInUserRequest {
+string Email
+string Password
class UserResponse {
+string UserID
+string Username
+string Email
class LogInUserResponse {
+string Token
class BaseResponse {
+int Code
+string Status
+string Message
+interface Data
%% Implementación de Interfaces
UserRepositoryImpl ..|> UserRepository : implements
UserServiceImpl ..|> UserService : implements
UserControllerImpl ..|> UserController : implements
%% Relaciones entre clases
UserResponse <|-- BaseResponse : data
LogInUserResponse <|-- BaseResponse : data
UserRepositoryImpl o-- User : manages
UserServiceImpl o-- UserResponse : returns
UserServiceImpl o-- CreateUserRequest : uses
UserServiceImpl o-- LogInUserRequest : uses
UserControllerImpl o-- BaseResponse : returns
direction TB
%% Interfaces
class JWTValidator {
+ValidateToken(tokenString string, secret []byte) (jwt.MapClaims, error)
class Policy {
+GeneratePolicy(principalID, effect, resource string) events.APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerResponse
class AuthorizerHandler {
+HandleAuthorizer(ctx context.Context, event events.APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequest) (events.APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerResponse, error)
%% Implementaciones
class JWTValidatorImpl {
+ValidateToken(tokenString string, secret []byte) (jwt.MapClaims, error)
class PolicyImpl {
+GeneratePolicy(principalID, effect, resource string) events.APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerResponse
class AuthorizerHandlerImpl {
-jwtValidator auth.JWTValidator
-policy aws.Policy
+HandleAuthorizer(ctx context.Context, event events.APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequest) (events.APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerResponse, error)
%% Implementación de Interfaces
JWTValidatorImpl ..|> JWTValidator : implements
PolicyImpl ..|> Policy : implements
AuthorizerHandlerImpl ..|> AuthorizerHandler : implements
%% Relaciones entre clases
AuthorizerHandlerImpl --> JWTValidatorImpl : uses
AuthorizerHandlerImpl --> PolicyImpl : uses
participant User
participant APIGateway
participant AuthorizerLambda as authorizer Lambda
participant UserLambda as api_users Lambda
participant APILambda as api_products Lambda
participant ScraperLambda as Scraper Lambda
participant DynamoDB
%% Register User request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Register) [POST] /api/v1/users
APIGateway->>UserLambda: Invoke Lambda
UserLambda->>DynamoDB: Register User
DynamoDB-->>UserLambda: Return Success
UserLambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with Success
APIGateway-->>User: User Created successfully
%% Login User request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Login) [POST] /api/v1/users/login
APIGateway->>UserLambda: Invoke Lambda
UserLambda->>DynamoDB: GetUserByEmail(email)
DynamoDB-->>UserLambda: Return User
UserLambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with Token
APIGateway-->>User: Return Token
%% Update Product List request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Update Product List) [POST] /api/v1/products : Token
APIGateway->>AuthorizerLambda: Validate Token
AuthorizerLambda->>APIGateway: Return Success
APIGateway->>APILambda: Invoke Lambda
APILambda->>ScraperLambda: Trigger Scraper Lambda
ScraperLambda->>SupermarketWebpage: Scrape Data
ScraperLambda->>DynamoDB: Update Products
AuthorizerLambda-->>APIGateway: Return Success
ScraperLambda-->>APILambda: Return Success
APILambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with Success
APIGateway-->>User: Return Scraper Started Successfully
%% Get All Products request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Get all products) [GET] /api/v1/products
APIGateway->>APILambda: Invoke Lambda
APILambda->>DynamoDB: Query Products
DynamoDB-->>APILambda: Return Products
APILambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with Products
APIGateway-->>User: List of Products
%% Get Product by ID request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Get product by ID) [GET] /api/v1/products/{ProductID}
APIGateway->>APILambda: Invoke Lambda
APILambda->>DynamoDB: Get Product by ID
DynamoDB-->>APILambda: Return Product
APILambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with Product
APIGateway-->>User: Return Product
%% Get All Users request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Get all users) [GET] /api/v1/users
APIGateway->>UserLambda: Invoke Lambda
UserLambda->>DynamoDB: Get All Users
DynamoDB-->>UserLambda: Return Users
UserLambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with Users
APIGateway-->>User: Return Users
%% Get User by ID request - response
User->>APIGateway: Request (Get user by ID) [GET] /api/v1/users/{UserID}
APIGateway->>UserLambda: Invoke Lambda
UserLambda->>DynamoDB: Get User by ID
DynamoDB-->>UserLambda: Return User
UserLambda-->>APIGateway: Respond with User
APIGateway-->>User: Return User
graph TD
A[Push to main branch] -->|Trigger| B[CI/CD Pipeline]
B --> C[Test and Build API]
B --> F[Test and Build API Users]
subgraph "Test and Build API"
C --> C1[Checkout code]
C1 --> C2[Set up Go]
C2 --> C3[Sync modules]
C3 --> C4[Cache dependencies]
C4 --> C5[Install dependencies]
C5 --> C6[Run golangci-lint]
C6 --> C7[Run tests]
C7 --> C8[Upload coverage to codecov]
C8 --> C9[Build API binary]
C9 --> C10[Zip API binary]
C10 --> C11[Upload API artifact]
C11 -->|Trigger| D[Test and Build Scraper]
subgraph "Test and Build Scraper"
D --> D1[Checkout code]
D1 --> D2[Set up Go]
D2 --> D3[Cache dependencies]
D3 --> D4[Install dependencies]
D4 --> D5[Run golangci-lint]
D5 --> D6[Run tests]
D6 --> D7[Upload coverage to codecov]
D7 --> D8[Build Scraper binary]
D8 --> D9[Zip Scraper binary]
D9 --> D10[Upload Scraper artifact]
subgraph "Test and Build API Users"
F --> F1[Checkout code]
F1 --> F2[Set up Go]
F2 --> F3[Cache dependencies]
F3 --> F4[Install dependencies]
F4 --> F5[Run golangci-lint]
F5 --> F6[Run tests]
F6 --> F7[Upload coverage to codecov]
F7 --> F8[Build API Users binary]
F8 --> F9[Zip API Users binary]
F9 --> F10[Upload API Users artifact]
F10 -->|Trigger| G[Test and Build Authorizer]
subgraph "Test and Build Authorizer"
G --> G1[Checkout code]
G1 --> G2[Set up Go]
G2 --> G3[Cache dependencies]
G3 --> G4[Install dependencies]
G4 --> G5[Run golangci-lint]
G5 --> G6[Run tests]
G6 --> G7[Upload coverage to codecov]
G7 --> G8[Build Authorizer binary]
G8 --> G9[Zip Authorizer binary]
G9 --> G10[Upload Authorizer artifact]
D10 -->|Trigger| E[Deploy]
G10 -->|Trigger| E[Deploy]
subgraph "Deploy"
E --> E1[Checkout code]
E1 --> E2[Download API artifact]
E2 --> E3[Download Scraper artifact]
E3 --> E4[Download API Users artifact]
E4 --> E5[Download Authorizer artifact]
E5 --> E6[Set up Terraform]
E6 --> E7[Initialize Terraform]
E7 --> E8[Plan Terraform]
E8 --> E9[Apply Terraform]