Below we will display the interfaces used, and a quick summary of their functionalities:
The menu interface contains:
- The state of the actual debt for a quick check
- Access to the interface that allows to create a new shop (needs password)
- Access to the interface that allows to pay/borrow money to the other person (needs password)
- Access to the interface that allows to see all money transactions
The new shop interface contains:
- The name of the shop (e.g. shopping place, products, online website, ...)
- The date of the shop (with a quick access to the date of today and yesterday)
- A comment on what products were bought (or anything really) for more detailed when consulting in the future
- Details of the shop (Total value, Individual value spent by each person, Who paid and how much)
Following the shop details above, the algorithm works as follows:
- Didier needs to pay 3.0 + (6.0 - 3.0 - 0.0)/2 - 4.0 = 0.5 to Patrick
- Patrick needs to pay 0.0 + (6.0 - 3.0 - 0.0)/2 - 2.0 = -0.5 to Didier -> Patrick needs to receive 0.5 from Didier.
Finally, the money transactions interface contains:
- The date of the shop/payment (year, month, day)
- The details of the shop/payment for further consulting