A TeamCity plugin which allows the easy creation of Discord WebHooks to notify users on a Discord server about the current build status of projects.
- Discord Integration to get notified on a Discord server
- Simple setup
- Beautiful messages out of the box
To use this plugin you need at least TeamCity 2018.2 and Java 8. In addition, a Discord server is necessary as you can't have webhooks without a server.
Simply put the plugins ZIP file into the plugin's directory of your TeamCity server and restart it. You should also be able to upload the plugin using the settings page of your TeamCity installation. For further information refer to the official JetBrains documentation: Installing additional plugins
The usage of this plugin is simple. Just create a webhook for one of your Discord channels as shown here: Discord WebHook HowTo.
Then enter the WebHook URL and a Username (recommended to also enter the name!) under "My Settings & Tools" -> "Notification Rules" -> "Discord WebHook". Configure your rules as normal. You should now receive notifications on Discord!
If you use a proxy, ensure that http.proxyHost
and http.proxyPort
are set properly.
To develop and build TC Discord Webhooks on Linux you need the following tools:
- Docker
- docker-compose
- make
Note that you might also just use the mvn
command of your local Maven 2 installation to build the project.
But using the Makefile ensures that you have your environment configured properly.
Also ensure your local system is configured properly. If you encounter issues while downloading Maven dependencies, you might check this StackOverflow comment that might help you to fix the issue.
Use the following setup ONLY for development purposes! It is not production ready!
Use the build target of the Makefile to build the project:
make build
To build the project without make
, simply run the package
goal of Maven.
Start the local TeamCity server:
make up
Stop the local TeamCity server:
make up
Delete the containers of the local TeamCity server:
make down
Rebuild the plugin and restart the TeamCity server:
make redeploy
Rebuild the local Docker stack:
make rebuild_docker
To develop and build TC Discord Webhooks on Linux you need the following tools:
- Docker Desktop
- Maven 2
Use the following setup ONLY for development purposes! It is not production ready!
To build the project without Docker, simply run the package
goal of Maven:
mvn clean package
To set up the containers and start the Docker stack, take a look at the commands below.
After the containers have been started you can open TeamCity in your browser.
TeamCity should be reachable at http://localhost:8080/
Start the local TeamCity server:
docker-compose up -d
Stop the local TeamCity server:
docker-compose stop
Remove the local TeamCity server containers:
docker-compose down