This is a set of shared classes and jar's used by different Plugins.
- Plugin Translation (i18n)
- Logger for console output
- Plugin-Change-Watcher for watching file changes in the Plugin folder
- Standard colors
- WebSocket Client
- SQLite DB Initializer (per Plugin)
- Miwarre's rwgui Plugin (now its just a lib not a Plugin) drop in replacement
All librarys that were added to this shared lib can be used for all plugins without shipping them included to the plugin.
- javax.websocket-api
- tyrus-standalone-client
Just extract the shared folder into your plugins
folder. The jar path should look like plugins/shared/lib/tools.jar
── RisingWorld
├── plugins
│ ├── shared
│ │ ├── assets...
│ │ └── lib
│ │ ├── gson-2.8.6.jar
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── javax.websocket-api-1.1.jar
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── tools.jar
│ │ └── tyrus-standalone-client-1.15.jar
: :
This feature can be used to translate your plugin based on the current users language. Every player will see the plugin in his system language as long as the translation file exists.
public class NewPlugin extends Plugin{
// Init
private static I18n t = null;
public void onEnable() {
t = t != null ? t : new I18n(this);
// Usage example
public void onPlayerSpawn(PlayerSpawnEvent event) {
if (sendPluginWelcome) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
String lang = player.getSystemLanguage();
player.sendTextMessage(t.get("MSG_PLUGIN_WELCOME", lang));
MSG_PLUGIN_WELCOME=This Server uses [#F00000]NewPlugin[#FFFFFF] Plugin.\n\
Type [#997d4a]/np help[#FFFFFF] in chat for help.
This feature is for logging stuff to your (server) game console, you can send messages to the logger with different levels. If your plugin has a settings file you can then change logging level for your needs. It will always prepend your plugin-log-tag in front of each message so you can see which message is sent from your plugin.
public class NewPlugin extends Plugin{
static final String pluginName = "NewPlugin"; // just for the example
// Init
static final log = new"[YOURTAG]");
// Usage example
public void onEnable() {
log.out(pluginName + " Plugin is enabled", 10);
This is just a singleton class that holds some color values. The idea behind this is to have a default set of colors for the same stuff in different plugins (and not each plugin having its own colors for errors, warnings, infos, etc.)
public class NewPlugin extends Plugin{
// Init
static final Colors c = Colors.getInstance();
// Usage example
public void onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
player.sendTextMessage(c.okay + pluginName + ":> " + c.text + "Your command was successfully ignored!");
This static helper class creates 2 new threads to watch the filesystem for changes. To use it you have to implement FileChangeListener
int your plugin and register your plugin to start watching changes.
public class NewPlugin extends Plugin implements FileChangeListener{
static final log = new"[MY.Plugin]");
static boolean flagRestart = false;
public void onEnable() {
// register this plugin for watching changes
try {
File f = new File(getPath());
PluginChangeWatcher.registerFileChangeListener(this, f);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.out(ex.toString(), 911);
public void onFileChangeEvent(Path file) {
if (file.toString().endsWith("jar")) {
if (restartOnUpdate) {
Server server = getServer();
if (server.getPlayerCount() > 0) {
flagRestart = true;
} else {
log.out("onFileCreateEvent: <" + file + "> changed, restarting now (no players online)", 100);
} else {
log.out("onFileCreateEvent: <" + file + "> changed but restartOnUpdate is false", 0);
} else {
log.out("onFileCreateEvent: <" + file + ">", 0);
public void onFileCreateEvent(Path file) {
if (file.toString().endsWith("")) {
// this.initSettings();
} else {
log.out(file.toString() + " was changed", 0);
... description coming soon ...
... description coming soon ...