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Current features:

  • post ingame chat to Discord with usernames
  • post server status messages such as login, logout, startup and shutdown to Discord
  • post support messages using /support [message] to a Discord channel
  • every Discord channel can have its own webHook (chat, support and status)
  • admins can trigger server restart with /ozrestart that is executed after the last player left the server (it causes server shutdown, you need to be sure that server comes up automatically after that)
  • player can trigger server restart too (if you confgure it), but only if they have spent an amount of real-time on your server that you can define (default:1 day, if you play 2h a day you need 12 days to achive this)
  • plugin detects changes to and reloads them. A message can be sent to discord if you like.
  • plugin detects changes to jar files and sets restart flag if you like. Can also report this to discord and ingame chat
  • players can type /joinDiscord to join your discord if you configure this
  • support messages now have a screenshot attached
  • normal chat messages wich contain +screen have a screenshot uploaded to discord
  • Badass Tracker tracks kills (mounts, non hostile animals) and remove/destroy of objects
  • Public API for other plugins (status/event channel)
  • Multiple server restarts can be scheduled (sets restart flag and restarts if all players have left, sends message to all players to inform them)
  • Scheduled restart can be forced after atleast one minute time, players will be kicked before server restarts

Planned features:

  • currently none

Commands ingame:

Command Description
/support [text] sends [text] as support message to Discord
/dp restart set restart flag to shutdown server after last player has left
/joinDiscord join the servers Discord server
/dp info Show plugin description
/dp help Show plugin commands
/dp status Show current plugin status (version, connection, language,...)

Commands discord:

Command Description
informative commands:
?help shows a list of all available commands
?version show current version installed
?online show a list of all players currently online
?weather shows the current ingame weather
?time shows the current ingame time
?banned shows a list of banned players with name, UID and reason
administrative commands:
/restart set restart flag to shutdown server after last player has left
/support [PLAYERNAME] [TEXT] sends a text message to a player (must be online)
/kick [PLAYERNAME] [REASON?] kick player with an optional reason
/ban [PLAYERNAME] [REASON?] ban a player with an optional reason
/group [PLAYERNAME] [GROUP] set player group
/yell [TEXT] send a text to the server as yell message
/bc [TYPE] [TEXT] send a broadcast message with identifier [TYPE] to all players
/unban [UID] unban a player by his uid
/tptp [PLAYER_A] [PLAYER_B] teleport Player A to Player B if both are online
/mkadmin [PLAYER] grant player admin status
/unadmin [PLAYER] revoke player admin status
/setweather [Weather] set weather on the server
/settime [HOUR] [MINUTE] set current ingame time
/sethealth [PLAYER] [VALUE] set players health to value
/sethunger [PLAYER] [VALUE] set players hunger to value
/setthirst [PLAYER] [VALUE] set players thirst to value

Installation (prebuild)

Download the latest zip files from here (shared) and here (Discord Plugin) and unpack them into your plugins folder.


Should look like this:

    ── RisingWorld
        ├── plugins
        │    ├── DiscordPlugin
        │    │    ├── i18n...
        │    │    ├── lib...
        │    │    ├──
        │    │    ├──
        │    │    ├── OZ-DiscordPlugin.jar
        │    │    ├──
        │    │    ├──
        │    │    └──
        │    ├── shared
        │    │    ├── assets...
        │    │    └── lib
        │    │         ├──
        │    │         └── tools.jar
        :    :

Build (Maven):

You have to create a new folder in your projects parent folder called libs and insert PluginAPI.jar from RisingWorld. See also:

Installation after build:

just copy dist/DiscordPlugin folder after build into your plugin folder, thats it!


The contains all you need to configure this plugin

setting default description
General plugin settings
logLevel 0 Logging to server console higher values means less output 0=all (debug)
restartOnUpdate false if true, restart flag is set automatically if plugin file has changed on the server
sendPluginWelcome false -
JavaCord settings
botEnable false Enables usage of DiscordBot
botSecure true Only Bot owner can use commands if true
botToken the token for your bot
botLang en -
botChatChannelName server-chat -
botAdmins -
other plugin settings
allowRestart false if true, normal players are allowed to use /ozrestart after they played restartMinimumTime seconds on the server
restartMinimumTime 86400 player must play at least this time in seconds to use restart feature
allowScreenshots true -
joinDiscord the code to join discord (not the full url!)
restartTimed false enable or disable scheduled restart feature
restartTimes 00:00 set restart times for scheduled restart use hh:mm to add multiple values split them with a pipe
forceRestartAfter 0 force restart after this time (minutes) (0 if you do not want to force restart)
Chat settings
postChat false if true, chat is posted to the webHook for Chat
webHookChatUrl this is the webHook used for ingame chat
overrideAvatar true -
Status settings
postStatus false if true, server status messages like player login/out is send to the webHook for Status
useServerName false if true, the servername is used as username for status posts
reportStatusEnabled true if true, a message will be posted when the plugin is enabled (server boot)
reportStatusDisabled true if true, a message will be posted when the plugin is disabled (server shutdown)
reportSettingsChanged true if true, a message will be posted if has changed
reportJarChanged true if true, a message will be posted if the jar file has changed (plugin update for example)
statusEnabledMessage the message that will be posted to discord on plugin enable
statusDisabledMessage the message that will be posted to discord on plugin disable
statusUsername the fixed username to use for status messages
webHookStatusUrl this is the webHook used for status messages
Support settings
postSupport false -
supportScreenshot true -
webHookSupportUrl this is the webHook used for support messages
addTeleportCommand true if true, a teleport command is added to the support message
Color & Chat settings
maxScreenWidth 1920 -
colorizeChat true -
showGroup false -
colorSupport [#782d8e] -
colorLocalSelf [#ddffdd] -
colorLocalAdmin [#db3208] -
colorLocalOther [#dddddd] -
colorLocalDiscord [#ddddff] -
Badass/Event Tracker settings
postTrackedEvents false -
webHookEventUrl -
trackServerLogLevel 100 -
trackMountKill false -
trackNonHostileAnimalKill false -
trackPickupables false -


Discord Plugin for Rising World by "Omega Zirkel"






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