Spring Boot RESTful starter with Hibernate and Lombok support
The following examples assume you will run the app with localhost as your hostname and 5001 as the port the app will be running at.
Endpoint of type POST: http://localhost:5001/api/user/add
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "pippo"
Endpoint of type GET: http://localhost:5001/api/user/username/[email protected]
Endpoint of type POST: http://localhost:5001/api/user/login
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "pippo"
Let's assume that ADMINISTRATOR is the role you are after.
Endpoint of type GET: http://localhost:5001/api/user/role/ADMINISTRATOR
Endpoint of type POST: http://localhost:5001/api/post/add
Body content:
"title": "Ciccio pizzo pizzo",
"contents": "Lorem Ipsum"
Get all posts of type GET: http://localhost:5001/api/post/