Petition for archival is a process in which a projects state is altered to the "archival" state. In the "archival" state no organization member shall accept any pull request or address any issues related to the repository. A project can be set to the archival state after a period of six months with no pull requests you must however have two organization members or a club officer petition for this. the project can be restored to an active state by an approved appeal to the developers guild president.
- If you don't have Node.js, download it at and install it.
- If you don't have Gulp installed globally, run npm install -g gulp and install it.
- Clone the repo.
- Navigate to the 'dgwebsite2' folder in terminal/cmd/bash.
- Run npm install. This will install all the packages used in the website.
- Go back to your first terminal/cmd/bash and run gulp server to start up the server.
- Open http://localhost:3000/ and you should be at the site.
- HTML templates go in the "views" folder
- Untemplated HTML files go in the "wip-views" folder
- CSS and client-side JS go in the "src" folder in their respective folders
- Images go in the "/public/img" folder
- Async
- Body-Parser - Parse body elements
- Express - Must-have Node.js framework
- Express-Session - Handle sessions
- Moment - Parse time
- Mongoose - MongoDB wrapper
- Nunjucks - Render HTML templates
- Request - Make HTTP requests to APIs
- - Update elements in realtime
Code is licensed under MIT. See the LICENSE file for details.