Creator: Michele "Dev_Mikko" De Palma
What is that?
It is a simple feed reader. Using the Jasmine libraries, you could test that everything in your code goes well.
How it work:
You can edit the code of "app.js" file (./js/app.js) and verify that something goes wrong at the buttom of the page. Using the expectations written inside the "feedreader.js" file (./jasmine/spec/feedreader.js), you can test various features of the page.
NOTE: The Jasmine version used in this project is the 2.2.
How to use:
- Open "index.html" in your browser to see tests' results
- If you want to add new tests, you must modify the file "feedreader.js" (./jasmine/spec/feedreader.js")
- Enjoy the work
- Michele "Dev_Mikko" De Palma
- Udacity for the base code of the project
- Jasmine for the testing libraries