Destiny Item Manager v3.11.0
Added Quick Move items to farming mode.
Farming mode now also moves glimmer items to vault.
Added is:inloadout
New filters: is:light, is:hasLight, is:weapon, is:armor, is:cosmetic, is:equipment, is:equippable, is:postmaster, is:inpostmaster, is:equipped, is:transferable, is:movable.
New filters for items based on where they come from: is:year3, is:fwc, is:do, is:nm, is:speaker, is:variks, is:shipwright, is:vanguard, is:osiris, is:xur, is:shaxx, is:cq, is:eris, is:vanilla, is:trials, is:ib, is:qw, is:cd, is:srl, is:vog, is:ce, is:ttk, is:kf, is:roi, is:wotm, is:poe, is:coe, is:af.
Added debug mode (ctrl+alt+shift+d) to view an item in the move-popup dialog.
Added max light value to max light button in dropdown.
Major loadout builder performance enhancements.
Support rare (blue) items in loadout builder.
Consumables and materials are now sorted by category.
All other items in the General Bucket are sorted by Rarity.
Move ornaments inbetween materials and emblems.
Link to wiki for stat quality in the move-popup box.
Full item details are shown in the move popup by default (they can still be turned off in settings).
Prevent double click to move item if loadout dialog is open.
#889 Fixed stats for Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris items.
Fix infusion finder preview item not changing as you choose different fuel items. Also filter out year 1 items.
Fix some green boots that would show up with a gold border.
A bunch of consumables that can't be moved by the API (Treasure Keys, Splicer Keys, Wormsinger Runes, etc) now show up as non-transferable in DIM.
Husk of the Pit will no longer be equipped by the Item Leveling loadout.
Fixed equipping loadouts onto the current character from Loadout Builder.
The default shader no longer counts as a duplicate item.
DIM no longer tries to equip exotic faction class items where your character isn't aligned with the right faction.
Fixed more cases where your loadouts wouldn't be applied because you already had an exotic equipped.
Elemental Icons moved to bottom left to not cover the expansion symbol.
Loadout builder no longer shows duplicate sets.
Fix equip loadout builder equip to current character.
You can’t perform that action at this time.