This repository contains the final report from my summer internship in the Decentralized and Distributed Systems lab at EPFL. The internship provided an extremely valuable learning experience, and this report summarizes my work during those 8 weeks.
- Overview of the internship experience and objectives.
Background on P2P Storage Networks
- 2.2 SWARM Network
- In-depth focus on the SWARM network.
- 2.2.3 SWARM Incentive Mechanisms
- Analysis of the most important aspects of SWARM incentive mechanisms necessary to evaluate their fairness.
- 2.3 Concept of Fairness
- Definition of fairness in P2P storage networks.
- Methodology for measuring fairness.
- 2.2 SWARM Network
Shuffling Solution to Gateway Unfairness
- Explanation of the Shuffling solution to address the gateway unfairness effect observed in the Tit-for-Token paper [1].
Markov Chain Modelization of Incentive Mechanisms
- Introduction to Markov chain modelization of incentive mechanisms.
- Roadmap for approaching this modeling idea.
: The complete final report detailing all aspects of the internship project.papers/
: Directory containing most of the relevant research papers and references used during our research.
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors and colleagues at the Decentralized and Distributed Systems lab at EPFL for their guidance and support throughout the internship.
[1] Tit-for-Token paper: