an INF581 project
This repository provides an environment based on the gym architecture to implement a trading agent on bitcoin data from 2017 to 2022. It provides multiple state of the art reinforcement learning algoritms (namely Logistic regression, Deep Qlearning, A2C and PolicyGradient).
In order to set up the project, please use a virtual environment that can be created and activated with
python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
Then, install the required libraries with
pip install --uprgade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The game environement is provided as a class CryptoEnv
located in src/gym_trading_btc/envs/
which leverages the gym
based architecture for environments. The dataset used for the bitcoin curved can be found in the datasets
file and can be modified, to use easier curves, or change the atomicity of the real bitocin curve (minutes, hours).
The state of the game in intrinsically described by the config
files located in src/config_mods
, where num_actions represents the actions that an agent is allowed to do, 3 stands for Stay, Sell and Buy, Window_size is the number of elements of the past that an agent takes as input to take a decision. Finally, frame_len is the number of decision for a single episode.
Agents can be trained with pre-implemented scripts, that leverages the sinus based method described in the project report. Agents are basically trained on easy sinus curves, sums of them and noisy sinus curves, before being trained of the real bitcoin curve.
To execute the training pipeline on Deepsense Double Deep Q learning, run:
bash train_pipeline-sh/
Training takes approx. 8 hours on Quadro 4000 GPU.
Figures to described progress during training are gradually saved in the figs
A precumputed agent can be run with
optional arguments:
To precise which agent to use, load it and its config file. Options are 'dqn_base', 'dqn_deepsense', 'config_a2c' and 'classifier' If no argument is given, A2C agent is loaded
To manually set the the dataframe to use for cypto data in the environment
Save path during training
Load path for precomputed model
Boolean, 0 for False and 1 for True
Boolean, 0 for False and 1 for True
Manually set the learning rate for an episode
To precise which agent to use, load it and its config file. Options are 'dqn_base', 'dqn_deepsense', 'config_a2c' and 'classifier'
These arguments overrite config arguments that can be modified in the config_mods