Repository for all our TF2 servers.
The goal here is to go 100% open source, and allow contributions from the community. To allow new programmers, sysadmins, etc to gain some real world experience in a safe environment. :)
# URL to grab SourceMod from, this allows us to change version or use a custom build.
# Only these files/folders will be copied from the sourcemod download into our server build
- addons/sourcemod/bin
- addons/sourcemod/extensions
- addons/sourcemod/gamedata
- addons/sourcemod/translations
# List of plugins to install, minus file extension (eg basechat but NOT basechat.smx)
# Plugins will be searched for in...
# Default sourcemod plugins, eg sourcemod/plugins/
# Disabled default sourcemod plugins, eg sourcemod/plugins/disabled
# .sp and folders in sourcemod_plugins.
- admin-sql-prefetch
- sql-admin-manager
- adminhelp
- adminmenu
- antiflood
- basebans
- basechat
- basecomm
- basecommands
- basetriggers
- basevotes
- clientprefs
- funcommands
- funvotes
- nextmap
- playercommands
- reservedslots
- sounds
# List of SourceMod config files
# These are config files that will reside in /addons/sourcemod/configs
# and NOT for configs that will reside in /cfg/
# Config files will be searched for in sourcemod_configs first
# then in sourcemod/configs if nothing exists.
# The syntax is source, destination. This allows us to have
# One config file shared between one or more servers.
configs: [
['geoip', 'geoip'],
['admin_groups.cfg', 'admin_groups.cfg'],
['admin_levels.cfg', 'admin_levels.cfg'],
['adminmenu_cfgs.txt', 'adminmenu_cfgs.txt'],
['adminmenu_custom.txt', 'adminmenu_custom.txt'],
['adminmenu_grouping.txt', 'adminmenu_grouping.txt'],
['adminmenu_sorting.cfg', 'adminmenu_sorting.cfg'],
['admin_overrides.cfg', 'admin_overrides.cfg'],
['admins.cfg', 'admins.cfg'],
['banreasons.txt', 'banreasons.txt'],
['core.cfg', 'core.cfg'],
['databases.cfg', 'databases.cfg'],
['languages.cfg', 'languages.cfg'],
['maplists.cfg', 'maplists.cfg'],
# List of SourceMod extensions
# These will be searched for in the sourcemod_extensions directory
# Note that all default SourceMod extensions are installed by default.
- socket
# URL to grab MetaMod from, this allows us to change version or use a custom build.
# Only these files/folders will be copied from the metamod download into our server build
- addons/
# List of config files
# These are config files that will reside in /cfg/
# and NOT for configs that will reside in /addons/sourcemod/configs/
# Config files will be searched for in the cfg folder
# The syntax is source, destination. This allows us to have
# One config file shared between one or more servers.
configs: [
['sourcemod/afk_manager.cfg', 'sourcemod/afk_manager.cfg'],
['sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg', 'sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg']
- Place the .sp file into the sourcemod_plugins directory
- Add the plugin file name (minus the .sp) to the servers yaml file in the sourcemod > plugins section
- Put the folder in sourcemod_plugins/addon_name/, so for example sourcemod_plugins/SourceIRC/scripting/sourceirc.sp
- Add the plugin folder name to the servers yaml file in sourcemod > plugins section
- Add the file to the cfg folder
- Add the file to the configs section (not the sourcemod > configs section)
- Add the file to the sourcemod_configs folder
- Add the file to the sourcemod > configs section (not the top-level configs section)