I'm a Software engineer with specialization in web2 security and system management. I used to create some fullstack and cross platform applications in my free time for fun. Due to it, I also developed special love and skills at UX, psychology and team management. Writing is one of my passions.
Now, I'm focused on blockchain and its security, mostly auditing for Spearbit & Cantina. In my free time, I may do some Code4rena, SherlockDeFi, Codehawks, private audit or just check code at Immunefi for some bug. I do hackathons for fun. I do gas optimizing.
- How to play as a JSR at Spearbit: hackmd, medium
- The Auditor Toolbox: hackmd, medium
- Co-editor of The Secureum Book
- Sudoswap V2
- OpenSea Pro
- Redacted Cartel
- DELV (prev. Element Finance)
- Axiom V2
- Sphinx
- Axiom V2 PR review + Gas
- Axiom V2 pt.2
- DELV pt.2
- Euler Finance EVC
- Euler Finance EVK
- Euler Finance Oracle
- Uniswap V4 Core
- Uniswap V4 Universal Router
- Uniswap V4 Periphery
- Glow
Data grouping (as per 2024, 18th April) the different findings found at the previous audits
Critical Risk | High Risk | Medium Risk | Low Risk | Gas Optimization | Info Risk |
7 | 19 | 30 | 89 | 57 | 182 |
Some contests are ongoing and the table will need to be updated.
Platform | Contests Participated | High Risk | Medium Risk | Additional Notes | Last Contest Date |
Cantina | 1 | 2 | 1 | February 2024 | |
Code4rena | 14 | 2 | 15 | + 21 Gas and QA Audits | February 2023 |
Sherlock | 7 | 1 | 8 | March 2023 | |
Codehawks | 1 | 2 | 1 | August 2023 | |
C4 Team-SleepingBugs | 1 | 1 | + 7 Gas and QA Audits | January 2023 | |
C4 Team-0xPanas | 1 | 2 | September 2022 | ||
Total | 25 | 9 | 26 | + 28 just QA and Gas audits | February 2024 |
- TrustX Istambul: Auditor Docker
- Paris Logos: Guardians of the blockchain
- OpenSense: Auditor Toolbox
- SmartCow for ETHBogotá: https://github.com/Deivitto/eth-bogota-hackhaton
- Bridges&Widgets for Arbitrum Hackhaton: https://github.com/nicobevilacqua/bridgets-and-widgets
- GetSponsoreth for Activate x Wormhole Miami: https://github.com/eugenioclrc/getsponsoreth
- TopMantle for ETHPorto: 3rd place https://github.com/luksgrin/topMantle_ETHPorto
- ZkKloone for ZKLisbon: https://github.com/luksgrin/ZKHack_project
- ETHLisbon: https://github.com/luksgrin/ETHLisbon_project
- NATIVO for SozuHaus Hackathon
- GaslessPOAPs for ETHIstambul: https://github.com/Deivitto/gassless-poaps
- PlayProtect for ETHTokyo: https://github.com/luksgrin/ETHTokyo_Project
- AdaptivePools for ETHLondon: https://github.com/carlitox477/adaptive-pools
- Activate x Wormhole Miami Secureum a-MAZE-X CTF & Workshop
- DevconVI Bogota
- DevconVII Thailand
- ETHBogota / ETHLatam
- ETHBarcelona 2023
- TrustX Istambul
A list of things done at the space:
- UniV4 - Atrium Uniswap v4 hook incubator graduated alumni - Talks: - TrustX Istambul: [Auditor Docker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQCE4mOqGi0) - Paris Logos: Guardians of the blockchain - OpenSense: Auditor Docker - Book: - Editing [Secureum Gitbook](https://github.com/secureum/Secureum-Book) - Audits / Security related - Secureum Bootcamp from Epoch0 - EpochInfinite - Top 1, 2, 8, 16–32 at some Secureum Races -> CAREs - Top 150 at Code4rena 2022 (starting at July aprox) - Top 100 at Sherlock 2022 (starting october/november) - Joined Spearbit at December 2022 - Read more reports and medium posts that I can count - Wrote my own basic static analyzer + tons of scripts to work faster - Wrote slither detectors - Fuzzing testing - Formal verification - Build the [auditor-docker](https://github.com/Deivitto/auditor-docker) - CTF - DefiSummit CTF solved - CaptureTheEther CTF solved - Studied typical CTF writeups (Ethernaut, Paradigm...) - Hackathons - 8 Hackathons with awards - 1 Hackathon not awardedFeel free to request an audit with me and other profesionals at Spearbit and Cantina