This is a plugin I made for ArmA 3's new 3D Editor - EDEN. Its main purpose is to make life easier when working with the Exile mod. It will generate code for you in a copy and paste format.
Feature | Description |
Generate Code for Objects | This will generate code compatible with Exile for all objects in the active scenario. Some edits to initServer.sqf may be required - will update with more info later. |
Generate Code for Markers | Much like the above, though I have not yet implemented this. |
Create Spawn Group | This will create 100 units of type Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - used for players when spawning. |
Generate Code for Spawns | This generates the code in the old SQM format. Some edits might be needed. |
Select Target Object | This will select the current object as the 'target' - used for relative loot positions. |
Toggle Loot Preview | This will spawn some loot on all the markers, giving you a preview of how it would look. |
Generate Code for Loot | This will generate the code in a copy and paste format, add this to your config.cpp. |
Clear Loot Sphere | This will delete all current loot spheres. Does not yet work as intended |
DT_fnc_DisplayCustom3DENNotification | This is a function which can be called from other addons, it lets you create entirely customized EDEN Editor notification messages. See syntax below. |
I put together a very basic video showcasing how the loot generation works, I'll try and create a better video later on where I explain how it all works. But most of it is rather self-explanatory.
* Original Author: Bohemia Interactive (3den.pbo/Functions/fn_3DENNotification.sqf)
[<TextMessage>, <BackgroundColor>, <TextColor>, <Sound>, <DisplayTime>] call DT_fnc_DisplayCustom3DENNotification;
* TextMessage: STRING - Message to be displayed
* Color: ARRAY - Background colour, example; [0.71, 0, 0, 1] would be opaque red background
* TextColor: STRING - Hex colour code for the text, defaults to #FFFFFF (White)
* Sound: INT or STRING
* Sound: INT - 0 or 1 (0 = "3DEN_notificationDefault" | 1 = "3DEN_notificationWarning")
* Sound: STRING - If you want to play another sound other than the 2 default ones, use a string
* DisplayTime: SCALAR - Time for the message to be displayed
[format["Generated Code for %1 Loot Markers, Saved to Clipboard. Remember to change Table name!", (str numOfLoot)], [0, 0.30, 0.80, 0.40], "#BBCCDD", "ReadoutClick", 6] call DT_fnc_DisplayCustom3DENNotification;
The format I generate the code in is different from that of Exile's code because mine uses setVectorDirAndUp so buildings maintain the correct rotation. Please refer to this thread for details on how to fix this;
• When clearing all loot spheres, the object themselves are removed. But the EDEN Editor icons remain and can be moved around - code is still generated despite the objects not really being there. Have yet to find a solution for this.
• When deleting your selected target, the green outline remains. Again, yet to find a solutions since EDEN events don't seem to be working for me.
• More to come...
Will post new features and bug fixes here.