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Incremental IDLV

iannigb edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 24 revisions


I2DLV is intended as the incremental version of the intelligent grounder I-DLV: as its standard version, I2DLV is an Answer Set Programming (ASP) instantiator that natively supports the ASP-Core-2 standard language. The I2DLV instantiation mechanism allows repeated "shots" in which previous instantiations are reused and updated according to the so-called "overgrounding technique".

How to Cite I2DLV

Francesco Calimeri, Giovambattista Ianni, Francesco Pacenza, Simona Perri, Jessica Zangari: Incremental Answer Set Programming with Overgrounding. TPLP 2019: 957-973

Giovambattista Ianni and Francesco Pacenza and Jessica Zangari: Incremental maintenance of overgrounded logic programs with tailored simplifications. TPLP 2020: 719-734

ICLP 2020 Submission - Additional Material

Please, refer to this page for the additional material related to ICLP 2020 paper.


You can download a beta release of I2DLV here.


It is possible to use the I2DLV system in different ways:

  • Run the system without any command-line options. The system will wait for user input. The default incremental grounding policy is the one described in the TPLP2019 paper.

  • Forces output to be printed in textual format (see all the available options below).

     ./i2dlv -t
  • Run the system enabling simplification and desimplification steps as described in the ICLP2020 submission. The system will wait for user input.

     ./i2dlv --isd 
  • Run the system with an associate XML file containing a set of instructions that has to be executed. The output will be printed in textual format.

     ./i2dlv -t < file.xml

XML Command Scripts

I2DLV is intended to be executed as a process which is kept alive in memory. Users can communicate with the process by simply piping XML commands specifying the desired tasks. A permanent in-memory instantiation can be created, updated and piped to a given ASP solver.

Currently, the following XML commands are available:

Load Command

The tag load can be used to form an XML element that requests to load input programs or data; the admitted attribute is:

  • path a file path pointing to the data to be loaded, in ASP-CORE-2 format.

Example of load tag

<load path="./recursion.0.asp"/>

Ground Command

The tag ground can be used to form an XML statement that instructs I2DLV to ground/update the current logic program and, possibly, send the current instantiation to a solver; the admitted attributes are:

  • run_mode, which can be set to the following 3 values:
    • print: the current ground program is updated and the result is printed on stdout (default);
    • updateonly: the current ground program is updated in memory and no output is provided;
    • solve: the current ground program is updated in memory and, then, piped to a solver. By default, the ground program is sent to the wasp solver (it is assumed that wasp is reachable in the default user PATH). The solver output will be printed on stdout.
      • solve_with: the default solver and its command-line options can be overriden when this value is specified.

Example of ground tag

  • I2DLV updates the ground program and prints the result on stdout:

  • I2DLV produces the ground program without printing the result

     <ground run_mode="updateonly"/>
  • I2DLV produces the ground and pipes the result to a solver (wasp in this example).
    Note that --mode=wasp and --printonlyoptimum are options of the dlv2 system.

     <ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./dlv2 --mode=wasp --printonlyoptimum"/>

Reset Command

The tag reset can be used to form an XML element that requests to reset all data loaded so far. No attribute is admitted.

Example of reset tag


Exit command

The tag exit can be used to form an XML element that requests to close the process. No attribute is admitted.

Example of exit tag


Command-line Options

Grounding Options

  • --isd, --incremental-simpl-desimpl enable simplification and desimplification steps during grounding.

Output Options

  • -t, --textual prints in textual mode (same behaviour of --output=1), instead of the default numeric.

  • --filter filters the specified predicates with the specified arity. Example: --filter=p1/2,p2/3.

  • --print-rewriting prints in STDERR the rewritten program as preprocessed by IDLV.

Statistics Options

  • --time the system prints the grounding time of each rule.

  • --istats the system displays incremental grounding statistics.

General Options

  • --help the system prints this guide and exit.

  • --stdin the system reads input from standard input (default).

  • --mode set the execution mode:

    • 0 = Console: the user provides commands via standard input.

    • 1 = Server: the user provides commands via a connection over the IP and port numbers at which the system is reachable.

      By default --mode is set to 0.

  • --port set the port number in server mode (by default, it is set to 4790).

Full Working Examples

A zip archive with a full working example can be download here. File included in the zip archive are listed in the following.

  • test folder containing:
    • recursion/recursion.*.asp: ASP files given in input to I2DLV.
    • disjunction/disjunction.*.asp: ASP files given in input to I-DLV Incremental.
    • template.xml: it is an XML file containing all the instructions that have to be executed by I2DLV.
  • solver folder containing:
    • dlv2: binaries of systems that integrate an ASP solver.

Example 1 - Disjunction test case

<load path="test/disjunction/disjunction.0.asp"/>
<load path="test/disjunction/disjunction.1.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./solver/dlv2 --mode=wasp --silent -n0"/>
<load path="test/disjunction/disjunction.2.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./solver/dlv2 --mode=wasp --silent -n0"/>
<load path="test/disjunction/disjunction.3.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./solver/dlv2 --mode=wasp --silent -n0"/>
<load path="test/disjunction/disjunction.4.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./solver/dlv2 --mode=wasp --silent -n0"/>

Example 2 - Recursion test case

<load path="test/recursion/recursion.0.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="updateonly"/>
<load path="test/recursion/recursion.1.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./solver/dlv2 --mode=wasp --silent"/>
<load path="test/recursion/recursion.2.asp"/>
<ground run_mode="solve" solve_with="./solver/clingo5.4 --mode=clasp --verbose=0"/>

How to run the examples

./idlv-incremental/i2dlv < test/disjunction/template.xml
./idlv-incremental/i2dlv < test/recursion/template.xml


For more details about benchmarks performed with I2DLV check the GitHub wiki page I2DLV

The benchmarks Pacman-10, Pacman-20 and Pacman-30 differ in the extension of the predicate distance, which is limited to a grid of respectively 10x10, 20x20 and 30x30 tiles. Results of the benchmark Pacman-30 are those presented in our paper.

Content Caching

Time performance


Input program size


Detailed mmedia.csv file can be downloaded here.

Pacman size 10

Time performance


Input program size


Detailed pacman10.csv file can be downloaded here.

Pacman size 20

Time performance


Input program size


Detailed pacman20.csv file can be downloaded here.

Pacman size 30

Time performance


Input program size


Detailed pacman30.csv file can be downloaded here.

N-queens choice points


Additional Material


The encodings used in the plots are available online - Download encodings

CSV data

All the data used in the plots can be found at the following links.

Core Team

  • Francesco Calimeri
  • Giovambattista Ianni
  • Francesco Pacenza
  • Simona Perri
  • Jessica Zangari