To use the dumpfile, you can use DBeaver or PSQL.
- After installing, set up environment paths to use the psql command.
a) Add this as a System Variable Path.
;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\lib
- Open a terminal and run
psql -U [username]
Then enter password
CREATE DATABASE [databaseToAddToName];
Go back to the terminal (Ctrl + C or type exit
psql -U [username] [databaseToAddToName] < [pathOfDumpFile]
To acquire all of the SQL from the dump file: Using the database manager DBeaver, you first have to create a new database connection with PostgreSQL. Once you have the connection with PostgreSQL, you must create a new database by right clicking on the Databases tab and clicking Create New Database. Now you right-click on the database you just created and click Tools > Execute script. Select the SQL dump file, then click Start.
Now the database should be ready to connect to.
Clone this repository
Open the repository and update the file
Finally, in the terminal in this project's root directory, run
go run ./cmd/web/.
Going to
should bring you to the homepage.
The front end is located in the
folders. -
contains just the schema of the database, which isn't needed with the dump file. -
All the queries are located in
All the requests are handled by