** Notable Challenges from /r/dailyprogrammer **
20120210C - Pygame module
20120212C - Extract relationships between numbers
20120214A - Pi calculation
20120215A - Morse code encryption/decryption
20120218C - Hangman game
20120219C - Prints calendar for specified month
20120220B - Factorize number
20120224B - Flea problem : Brute force method
20120224B_2 - Flea problem : Stats method
20120304C - Minimax algorithm : Tic Tac Toe
20120305C - ASCII spiral [graphical spiral due]
20120314B - Generates fractional approximations of Pi
20120315B - Decimal to Binary
20120316C - Imgur gallery downloader : uses imgur API
20120320B - Calculation of the base of a Tetrahedron from its size
20120327A - Base 26 multiplication calculator
20120328B - Iterative and Recursive solutions to the Tower of Hanoi
20120330B - Poker Hand Identifier
20120331B - Stoogesort and Bogosort
20120430C - Home Primes and Euclid-Mullin Sequence
20120502C - Fast permutation of large sets
20120509C - T9 text encoder/decoder
20120511B - Brainf*** parser
20150514C - Solitaire cipher encoder/decoder
20120519A_2 - Matrix Cipher Solver
20120519C - Determinant of large square matrices
20120602A - Find substring in String
20120602C - Longest Common Substring
20120604A - Polite number determination
DP20120606B - Manual Square root
DP20120606C - Continued Fraction representation of Square root
20120613B - Longest palindrom in string
20120613C - Fetch forecast with Google maps API and weather.gov API
20120615C - Even and Odd sized magic square generator
DP20120620B - Retrieve two missing numbers from large randomized sequence
DP20120626A - Neat ASCII spreadsheet generator
DP20120626B - ADFGVX encryption and decryption
DP20120626C - ADFGVX code breaking for simple caesar-shifted substitution keys
DP20120702B - Higher order Fibonacci sequences
DP20120702C - FRACTRAN interpreter and programming
DP20120704A - Elementary cellular automatons
DP20120706A - Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
DP20120706C - Huffman encoder and decoder
DP20120716B - Last non-zero digit of the factorial of a large integer
Come back to this later:
20120315C - N-Queen problem
20120519B - Simple IM program
20120523C - Mandlebrot set
20120528C - Lagged Fibonacci Pseudorandom number generator - Added solutions that fail due to limitations: either too many recursions or floating point accuracy limitations (multiplication of x*10^30++ integers)
20120604B - Draw Ascii Smiley
20120604C - RSA encryption
20120608C - Sudoku solver
DP20120618C - Get Stock prices from API
DP20120620C - Waiting on n-queen solution
DP20120622C - Chess
DP20120716C - Boggle solver