A ROS node template to embed Simulink code generated with ertw
- Requires Matlab 2015a or above
- Matlab Code Generation Toolbox
- Ubuntu 14 or above
- ROS Indigo or later versions
- Head to /ros_sim_template/src. Here you will find
- ROS node definition
- Simulink model wich generate the code with
This step can be done within Linux environment or Widnows, where ever you have Matlab installed.
- Open the model "dbx_control.slx"
- Build the model with Ctrl+b. This will generate the appropiate code. See model configuration for further details
- In Matlab console:
cd dbx_control_ert_rtw\
cd ..
- If you are in a diferent folder from the ROS node (where you found the Simulink model):
- Copy an paste the file "dbx_control.zip" into the folder /ros_sim_template/src
- Unzip "dbx_control.zip" into the folder "dbx_control"
- So that "dbx_control.c" file should be found in /ros_sim_template/src/dbx_control/dbx_control.c
This step assumes you already created a workspace in which you put this package
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun ros_sim_template ros_sim_template
- Repeat same steps (1.) of code generation with your model
- It is highly recomended you reuse the Simulink model "dbx_control.slx", so Simulink configuration is already set for you
- Deploy your generated code into a folder with same name as your Simulink model
- In file /ros_sim_template/src/ros_sim_template_node.cp:
- Those parts of the code with
would need to be modified - In First line substitue "dbx_control" with the name of your model. E.g.:
#define SIM_MOD(x) dbx_control##x
would look like#define SIM_MOD(x) your_simulink_model_name##x
where "your_simulink_model_name" is your Simulink mode name: E.g.#define SIM_MOD(x) Lat_control##x
for a Simulink model named "Lat_control"
- Those parts of the code with
- (OPTIONAL) Change the name of the node, or even the package