To sustain a site that demonstrates my skill in front end development.
- Create Routing for multiple "pages"
- Angular - The Frontend framework I used to develop the site
- Bootstrap - the CSS library I used to develop the site
- Firebase - The Backend used for hosting
We use the Agnular CLI to create projects, generate application and library code. It is also used to perform a variety on ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling and deployment code.
- To install type this line in Git Bash
npm install -g @angular/cli
To create a new workspace and initial starter app:
- Run the CLI command
ng new
and provide the namemy-app
, as shown here:ng new my-app
- The
ng new
command prompts you for information about features to include in the initial app. Accept the defaults by pressing Enter
The Angular CLI includes a server, for you to build and serve your app locally.
- Navigate to the workspace folder, such as
- This is done by
cd "workspace"
or in this casecd my-app
- This is done by
- Run the following command:
ng serve --open
The ng serve
command launches the server, watches your files, and rebuilds the app as you make changes to those files
The --open
(or just -o
) option automatically opens your browser to http://localhost:4200/
This should generate a foundational site that looks like this:
Components are the main building block for Angular applications. Each component consists of:
- An HTML template that decalres what renders on the page
- A TypeScript class that defines behavior
- A CSS selector that defines how the component is used in a template
- Optionally, CSS styles applied to the template
The best way to create a component is with the Angular CLI. You can also create a component manually.
To Create a component using the Angular CLI:
- From a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing your application
- Run the
ng generate component <component-name>
command, where<component-name>
is the name of your new component
Firstly, head to Firebase and click on Get Started. This will run you through the process of creating a Firebase Project.
Afterwards head to the Hosting tab. Like before click Get Started and it will prompt you with the following:
To host your site with Firebase Hosting, you need the Firebase CLI
- Run the following npm command to install the CLI or update to the latest CLI verison
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Once that is typed into GitBash/Terminal click next
Open a terminal window and navigate to or create a root directory for your web app
- Sign in to Google
$ firebase login
- Initiate your project
- Run this command from your app's root directory:
$ firebase init
- During this stage it will prompt you with a bunch of questions, the most important is to check on the box for Hosting, I chose the one that did not involve GitHub support.
When you're ready, deploy your web app
- Put your static files (e.g, HTML, CSS, JS) in your app's directory (the default is "public"). Then, run the command from your app's root directory:
$ firebase deploy
- After deploying, view your app at - If you need help check out the Hosting docs
I had a lot of trouble getting my site to update with changes after redeploying and these steps solved it for me
npm run build
firebase serve
- you want to do this to test all the changes locally so you are not redeploying the site so frequently
- This is the firebase alternative to
ng serve
If the changes don't appear yet type:
ctrl + shift + r
, this clears the cache in Chrome
firebase deploy