Shape Engine Alpha #2
The pooling class was overhauled. A layer system was introduced to area class to better separate game objects and be able to use a parallax effect.
Missing/ Not Working:
- ResourceManger LoadShader does not work correctly right now because Raylib-CsLo LoadShaderFromMemory function does not work correctly. I am waiting for a fix there.
- SimpleCollision.cs -> Dynamic collision checks are only implemented for circle, segment, and point colliders. If your ICollidable CollisionClass is a collider be aware to only use circle, segment, and point colliders.
- Because of a problem in Raylibs GetMonitorSize function the monitor handler has a hardcoded fix right now to set the monitor size to 1920 by 1080 if the monitor size is bigger than 2000x1250. Be aware of that. This problem is already fixed in raylib but it is not yet available in the cslo bindings.