- A magic square artwork that generates scalable SVGs and exports scalabale PDFs (code mostly Fania, research mostly me)
- Moving a lot of former fiction and poetry to Markdown (private repos for now)
- Archiving Emergency Artlab and other work done around 2001 with Mike Quantrill
- A place to put various art-code presentations, like this one for EVA (Electronic Visualisation & the Arts)
- Maintaining the uptime of an artwork that uses a solar weather API (currently broken) Personal Space matches text from hundreds of diary entries to solar intensity (made with Fania from a project with Alice Charlotte-Bell)
- Writing up my late father’s memoirs
- Writing up my late mother’s writing
- Reinterpreting the principles of the Unix Philosophy for Real Life
- A very minimal decision-maker, because I needed one myself. Caveat: it’s bare-bones and has some non-critical bugs, and I am not responsible for anything you do after using it ;-)
- Using Static Site Generator (SSG) Nanoc (I like it a lot better than Jekyll) with one extremely complex and another simpler website. I’ve contributed in small ways to the Nanoc website.
- Making CheatSheets in Markdown for my own quickreference (e,g, GIT, CSS Flexbox, ) I also sent them to students when I was teaching front-end web technologies
- Getting WebGL to show .obj files of models of Roman artifacts I made for Leicestershire Archaeology
- Playing with public APIs to get information, like this one that tracks UK Government Petitions
- Little JavaScript things I like to play with, like:
- calculating the digital root by turning names into numbers (like numerologists do!) — here’s the JavaScript
- dynamically changing a page using HTML forms
- playing with the HTML
attribute (very useful) - using data-queueing (also very useful for generating lists from user input)
- replacing switch-case with an object (supposed to be faster in some cases)
- making a Single-Page website from Markdown
- making a list of days that starts with today
- putting a zero before single date numbers
- etc. …
- Pondering a rewrite of the tutorial website used for my Web Coding First Steps book on LeanPub
- Making commonly-used website features into compact ready-mades e.g. (these haven’t been updated for a while):
- CSS Lightbox
- bookmarkable CSS tabs…
- multiple popups from clickable triggers
- an automated slider (like the ones people put at the top of websites)
- etc. …
- Cataloguing and listing my vintage Apple Mac hardware and software (mainly to sell or give to worthy collectors)
I used to use Wakatime to track my use of various languages (and took screen shots of all my Wakatime pie charts) but it didn’t really help me in any way and bugged out sometimes.