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Work on TestSparseVector.hs
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Change Prec to not match Haskell's values.
Add tAnnotate/etc., and update tests to show more intermediate values.
Add VectorA and VectorU for vectors with unboxed elements.
Test most of SparseVector.hs.
  • Loading branch information
DaveBarton committed Jul 2, 2024
1 parent 2bdacd4 commit f8c3c87
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Showing 15 changed files with 584 additions and 285 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions calculi.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ common deps
fmt >= 0.4 && < 0.7,
megaparsec < 9.7,
parser-combinators < 1.4,
safe < 0.4,
strict >= 0.4 && < 0.6,
text < 2.2

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/BinPoly.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ bp58Ops evCmp isGraded descVarTs useSugar = assert (nVars <= 58)
isRev = nVars > 1 && evCmp (fromBits58 1) (fromBits58 2) == GT
varBitJsDesc = -- most main first
(if isRev then id else reverse) [0 .. nVars - 1]
evShowPrec w = productPT (map (PrecText atomPrec) (catMaybes mVarTs))
evShowPrec w = productPT (map (PrecText AtomPrec) (catMaybes mVarTs))
mVarTs = zipWith (pureIf . testBit w.w64) varBitJsDesc descVarTs

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GBDemo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ epGbpA sec useSugar descVarTs =
nVars = length descVarTs
evCmp = epEvCmpF nVars sec
isGraded = secIsGraded sec
descVarPTs = map (PrecText atomPrec) descVarTs
descVarPTs = map (PrecText AtomPrec) descVarTs

gbDemo0 :: GBPoly ev term ep => GBExOpts -> GBEx -> GBPolyOps ev ep -> IO ()
gbDemo0 (GBExOpts { sec, gbTrace }) (GBEx { name, descVarTs, genTs }) gbpA = do
Expand Down
110 changes: 52 additions & 58 deletions src/Math/Algebra/General/Algebra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ module Math.Algebra.General.Algebra (
-- * Converting -> Text
show0x, Text, showT,
-- ** With Precedence
Prec, parensPrec, atomPrec, exptPrec, multPrec, addPrec, commaPrec,
PrecText(PrecText, prec, t), parensIf, ensurePrec, infixLPT, infixRPT, infixAssocPT,
infixPT, infixListPT, fencePT, plusPT, sumPT, timesPT, productPT, exptPT,
Prec(..), PrecText(PrecText, prec, t), parensIf, ensurePrec,
infixLPT, infixRPT, infixAssocPT, infixPT, infixListPT, fencePT,
plusPT, sumPT, timesPT, productPT, exptPT,
ShowPrec, integralPT, zzShowPrec, hex0xPT, integralPowPT, sPairShowPrec, listShowPrec,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (foldl') -- unnecesary in base 4.20+, since in Pr
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Functor.Classes (liftEq2)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Strict.Tuple ((:!:), pattern (:!:))
Expand All @@ -150,7 +151,6 @@ import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, (<|>), (<?>), between, eof, errorBundlePretty, m
notFollowedBy, parse)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (digitChar, letterChar, space1)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (Prec)

-- * Common function types
Expand All @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ pairOp2 :: (a -> a' -> a'') -> (b -> b' -> b'') -> a :!: b -> a' :!: b'
Note 'pairOp2'\'s type specializes to (includes) @Op2 a -> Op2 b -> Op2 (a :!: b)@.
'pairOp2' is like 'bimap', but for functions of 2 arguments. -}
pairOp2 f g (x :!: y) (u :!: v) = (f x u :!: g y v)
pairOp2 f g (x :!: y) (u :!: v) = f x u :!: g y v

(.*) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> d)
infixr 9 .* -- for mixing with @.@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -581,10 +581,10 @@ pairMd rR aMd bMd =
pairBDiv doFull (y :!: z) (m :!: n)
| m && doFull.b =
let (q, r) = bMd.bDiv doFull z n
in (q, (y :!: r))
in (q, y :!: r)
| otherwise =
let (q, r) = aMd.bDiv doFull y m
in (q, (r :!: z (bMd.scale (rR.neg q) n)))
in (q, r :!: z (bMd.scale (rR.neg q) n))

mdModF :: Module r a -> Op1 a -> MonoidFlags -> Module r (Cls a)
{- ^ @(mdModF md reduce extraFlags)@ is @md@ modulo a submodule, using @reduce@ to produce @Cls@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -664,25 +664,18 @@ showT = T.pack . show

-- ** With Precedence

parensPrec :: Prec
-- ^ precedence of a parenthesized expression; higher than a number or variable
parensPrec = 12
atomPrec :: Prec
{- ^ precedence of an atomic expression, such as a positive number, atomic variable, or atomic
constant -}
atomPrec = 11
exptPrec :: Prec
-- ^ precedence of exponentiation or negation (prefix @\"-\"@), right associative
exptPrec = 8
multPrec :: Prec
-- ^ precedence of multiplication and division, left associative
multPrec = 7
addPrec :: Prec
-- ^ precedence of addition and subtraction, left associative
addPrec = 6
commaPrec :: Prec
-- ^ precedence of a comma
commaPrec = 0
{- | Precedence of a prefix, infix, or postfix operator. Numeric values may differ from
Haskell's built-in ones, and new ones may be added in the future. -}
data Prec =
| AddPrec -- ^ addition or subtraction, left associative
| MultPrec -- ^ multiplication or division, left associative
| ExptPrec -- ^ exponentiation or negation (prefix @\"-\"@), right associative
| AtomPrec {- ^ an atomic expression, such as an unsigned number, atomic variable,
or atomic constant -}
| FencePrec {- ^ a parenthesized or otherwise \"fenced\" expression; note higher
than 'AtomPrec' -}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)

data PrecText = PrecText { prec :: Prec, t :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show) -- e.g. for testing & debugging
Expand All @@ -700,53 +693,53 @@ ensurePrec :: Prec -> PrecText -> Text
-- ^ parenthesize an expression if its precedence is below the given value
ensurePrec minP pt = parensIf (pt.prec < minP) pt.t

infixGenPT :: Int -> Int -> Prec -> Text -> Op2 PrecText
infixGenPT :: Op1 Prec -> Op1 Prec -> Prec -> Text -> Op2 PrecText
{- ^ format using an infix operator that requires the given left and right precedence increments
arounds its operands -}
infixGenPT dl dr prec op x y =
PrecText prec (T.concat [ensurePrec (prec + dl) x, op, ensurePrec (prec + dr) y])
PrecText prec (T.concat [ensurePrec (dl prec) x, op, ensurePrec (dr prec) y])

infixLPT :: Prec -> Text -> Op2 PrecText
-- ^ format using a non-associative @infixl@ operator
infixLPT = infixGenPT 0 1
infixLPT = infixGenPT id succ

infixRPT :: Prec -> Text -> Op2 PrecText
-- ^ format using a non-associative @infixr@ operator
infixRPT = infixGenPT 1 0
infixRPT = infixGenPT succ id

infixAssocPT :: Prec -> Text -> Op2 PrecText
{- ^ format using an infix operator that doesn't require parentheses around operands of the same
precedence -}
infixAssocPT = infixGenPT 0 0
infixAssocPT = infixGenPT id id

infixPT :: Prec -> Text -> Op2 PrecText
{- ^ format using an infix operator that requires parentheses around operands of the same
precedence -}
infixPT = infixGenPT 1 1
infixPT = infixGenPT succ succ

infixListPT :: Foldable f => Prec -> Bool -> Text -> f PrecText -> PrecText
{- ^ @(infixListPT opPrec parenTies op args)@ combines the @args@ using the infix operator @op@.
@parenTies@ says whether to parenthesize arguments whose precedence is exactly @opPrec@. -}
infixListPT opPrec parenTies op (toList -> args)
| null args = PrecText 0 ""
| arg : [] <- args = arg
| let minP = opPrec + (if parenTies then 1 else 0)
| null args = PrecText minBound ""
| [arg] <- args = arg
| let minP = (if parenTies then succ else id) opPrec
= PrecText opPrec (T.intercalate op (map (ensurePrec minP) args))

fencePT :: Text -> Text -> Text -> PrecText
{-^ @(fencePT open inner close)@ creates a \"fenced\" (parenthesized, bracketed, etc.)
expression around @inner@. -}
fencePT open inner close = PrecText parensPrec (T.concat [open, inner, close])
fencePT open inner close = PrecText FencePrec (T.concat [open, inner, close])

sumPT :: Foldable f => f PrecText -> PrecText
-- ^ Sum of expressions, checking args for 0 and prefix @\"-\"@.
sumPT = go . filter (\pt -> pt.t /= "0") . toList
go [] = PrecText atomPrec "0"
go [] = PrecText AtomPrec "0"
go [pt] = pt
go pts = PrecText addPrec (dropPlus (T.concat (map toSignedArg pts)))
go pts = PrecText AddPrec (dropPlus (T.concat (map toSignedArg pts)))
dropPlus t = fromMaybe t (T.stripPrefix "+" t)
toSignedArg = addPlus . ensurePrec addPrec
toSignedArg = addPlus . ensurePrec AddPrec
addPlus t = if T.isPrefixOf "-" t then t else "+" <> t

plusPT :: Op2 PrecText
Expand All @@ -759,58 +752,59 @@ timesPT aPT bPT
| aPT.t == "1" = bPT
| bPT.t == "1" = aPT
| aPT.t == "-1" =
PrecText (if bPT.prec == multPrec then multPrec else exptPrec) ("-" <> bT)
| otherwise = PrecText multPrec (ensurePrec multPrec aPT <> b1T)
PrecText (if bPT.prec < MultPrec then ExptPrec else min bPT.prec ExptPrec) ("-" <> bT)
| otherwise = PrecText MultPrec (ensurePrec MultPrec aPT <> b1T)
~bT = ensurePrec multPrec bPT
~bT = ensurePrec MultPrec bPT
~b1T = parensIf (needsLParen bT) bT
needsLParen = (maybe False (\(c, _) -> c == '-' || isDigit c)) . T.uncons
needsLParen = maybe False (\(c, _) -> c == '-' || isDigit c) . T.uncons

productPT :: Foldable f => f PrecText -> PrecText
-- ^ Product of expressions, checking args for 1, prefix @\"-\"@, and concatenating digits.
productPT = foldl' timesPT (PrecText atomPrec "1")
productPT = foldl' timesPT (PrecText AtomPrec "1")

exptPT :: Op2 PrecText
-- ^ @\"^\"@ of two expressions
exptPT = infixRPT exptPrec "^"
exptPT = infixRPT ExptPrec "^"

type ShowPrec a = a -> PrecText
-- ^ convert to a mathematical expression and its outermost precedence

integralPT :: (Integral a, Show a) => ShowPrec a
-- ^ show an 'Int'/'Integer'/etc. with precedence
integralPT n = PrecText (if n < 0 then exptPrec else atomPrec) (showT n)
integralPT n = PrecText (if n < 0 then ExptPrec else AtomPrec) (showT n)

zzShowPrec :: ShowPrec Integer
-- ^ show an 'Integer' with precedence
zzShowPrec = integralPT

hex0xPT :: (Integral a, Show a) => ShowPrec a
-- ^ show in hexadecimal with a "0x" prefix; the argument must be nonnegative
hex0xPT n = assert (n >= 0) $ PrecText atomPrec (T.pack (show0x n))
hex0xPT n = assert (n >= 0) $ PrecText AtomPrec (T.pack (show0x n))

integralPowPT :: (Integral d, Show d) => PrecText -> ShowPrec d
-- ^ Power of a given base, checking the exponent for 0 or 1.
integralPowPT bPT d = case d of
0 -> PrecText atomPrec "1"
0 -> PrecText AtomPrec "1"
1 -> bPT
_ -> exptPT bPT (integralPT d)

sPairShowPrec :: ShowPrec a -> ShowPrec b -> ShowPrec (a :!: b)
-- ^ show a strict pair with precedence
sPairShowPrec aSP bSP (a :!: b) = PrecText parensPrec (T.concat ["(", aT, ", ", bT, ")"])
sPairShowPrec aSP bSP (a :!: b) = PrecText FencePrec (T.concat ["(", aT, ", ", bT, ")"])
aT = ensurePrec (commaPrec + 1) (aSP a)
bT = ensurePrec (commaPrec + 1) (bSP b)
aT = ensurePrec (succ CommaPrec) (aSP a)
bT = ensurePrec (succ CommaPrec) (bSP b)

infixCommasPT :: Foldable f => Text -> f PrecText -> Text -> PrecText
-- ^ show a 'Foldable' as a fenced list separated by commas, with precedence
infixCommasPT open args close = fencePT open (infixListPT commaPrec True ", " args).t close
infixCommasPT open args = fencePT open (infixListPT CommaPrec True ", " args).t

listShowPrec :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => ShowPrec e -> ShowPrec (f e)
-- ^ show a 'Foldable' as a list, with precedence
listShowPrec eSP es = infixCommasPT "[" (fmap eSP es) "]"

gensShowPrec :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => (ShowPrec g) -> f g -> PrecText
gensShowPrec :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => ShowPrec g -> f g -> PrecText
-- ^ show a list of generators, with precedence
gensShowPrec gSP gs = infixCommasPT "" (fmap gSP gs) ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -875,8 +869,8 @@ rngParse :: Ring r -> Parser r -> Parser r
rngParse rR@(Ring { .. }) pAtom = pR
pPower = liftA2 (rExpt rR) (pAtom <|> pParens pR) (pSymbol "^" *> zzParse <|> pure 1)
pOp = pSymbol "/" *> pure (exactQuo rR)
<|> (pSymbol "*" <|> notFollowedBy digitChar *> pure "") *> pure times
pOp = pSymbol "/" $> exactQuo rR
<|> (pSymbol "*" <|> notFollowedBy digitChar $> "") $> times
pR = agParse ag (pInfixL pPower pOp pPower)

zzGensRingParse :: Ring r -> Parser r -> Parser r
Expand All @@ -893,7 +887,7 @@ zzGensRingParse rR pGen = rngParse rR pAtom
numVarPT :: Text -> Int -> PrecText
{- ^ Create a variable name from a prefix, usually a single unicode letter, followed by a
number, which is usually nonnegative. -}
numVarPT prefix n = PrecText atomPrec (prefix <> showT n)
numVarPT prefix n = PrecText AtomPrec (prefix <> showT n)

alphaNumVarNames :: [Text]
-- ^ An infinite list of variable names: @a-z, A-Z, xN@ for @N > 0@.
Expand All @@ -902,10 +896,10 @@ alphaNumVarNames = (T.singleton <$> ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'])

varNameParse :: Parser Text
-- ^ Parse a mathematical variable name: a unicode letter, optionally followed by digits.
varNameParse = T.pack <$> (liftA2 (:) letterChar (many digitChar))
varNameParse = T.pack <$> liftA2 (:) letterChar (many digitChar)

varParse :: [Text] -> [a] -> Parser a
-- ^ Parse a mathematical variable name, using lists of names and values.
varParse names vals = do
name <- varNameParse
pure $ maybe (error ("Name not found: "+|name|+"")) id (lookup name (zip names vals))
pure $ fromMaybe (error ("Name not found: "+|name|+"")) (lookup name (zip names vals))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Math/Algebra/Linear/SparseColumnsMatrix.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ matrixOps cR maxN = MatrixOps { .. }
bDiv _doFull y _t = (, y) -- @@ improve (incl. solving linear equations in parallel)

transpose :: Op1 (Matrix c)
transpose = SV.foldBIMap' SV.concat (\j -> SV.mapNzFC (SV.fromNzIC j))
transpose = SV.foldBIMap' SV.join (SV.mapNzFC . SV.fromNzIC)

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