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Allow programmatically starting additional TorQ processes from within…
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… q (#394)

* Added and relevant q wrapper function for launching processes in the cloud

* Fixed typos, removed unnecessary env var code, etc. according to feedback

* Added defaults in launchprocess.q using .Q.def and functionality to handle exit codes from to log messages/errors

* Fixed behaviour to accept any number of custom arguments to the command line

* Simplified wrapper functions according to feedback and added and its corresponding wrapper

* Removed files whose functionality has now been moved into code/common/cloudutils.q

* Made possible change of if-else, for review

* Simplied previous commit

* Added unit testing

* Improved method of finding process port in unit tests

* Implemented more TorQ functionality in unit tests

* Tweaked comments and some final checks in unit tests

* Added documentation for cloudutils.q

* Corrected formatting of docs

* Modify name of functions for broader uses

* Updated formatting in
  • Loading branch information
cdempsey99 authored Jan 24, 2022
1 parent c6e7a7b commit 7d7ecbc
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Showing 8 changed files with 260 additions and 1 deletion.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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#script to terminate a specified TorQ process (standard or custom)
#For now the exit codes are:
#1:failed to terminate process
#2:process wasnot running
#3:process not found

#only argument is the process name

#fn to check if a process is running, returns a non-zero search result for success, returns null for failure
findproc() {
pgrep -lf "$1" -u "$USER" | grep -ow "q"

#make sure process is running before attempting to kill it
if [[ -z $(findproc "$procname") ]]; then
exit 2
#search for PID based on process name
pr_id=$( ps -ef -u $USER | grep "$procname" | awk -v procname="$procname" '{if ($15 == procname) print $2 }' )
echo $procname
echo $pr_id
#only if this search returns a result do we kill the process
if [[ $pr_id ]]; then
kill "$pr_id"

#check that process has been killed
if [ $temp_exit -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0
exit 1
exit 3

79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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#script to launch a specified TorQ process (standard or custom)
#For now the exit codes are:
#1:process failed to start
#2:process had already been running

#all defaults have been assigned in the q wrspper script: cloudutils.q
#for each cmd line argument, extract the argument and assign to relevant variable
read -ra arg_arr <<< "$@"
for arg in "${arg_arr[@]}"
if [ "$cnt" -gt 0 ]; then
IFS=' '
read -ra sub_arg_arr <<< "$arg"
case ${sub_arg_arr[0]} in
procname )
proctype )
U )
localtime )
qcmd )
p )
* )
extra_flag_cnt=$(($extra_flag_cnt + 1))

#to deal with any number of extra flags and args, take the last (extra_flag_cnt) arguments from the arg_arr
extra_arg_arr=" "
a=$((extra_flag_cnt * -1))
while [ $i -lt "$extra_flag_cnt" ]
extra_arg_arr+="-"${arg_arr[$(( $a+i ))]}
i=$(($i + 1))

#define the startline
sline="$qcmd_arg ${TORQHOME}/torq.q -stackid ${KDBBASEPORT} -proctype $proctype -procname $procname -U $U_arg -localtime $localtime_arg -p $p_arg $extra_arg_arr"

#fn to check if a process is running, returns a non-zero search result for success, returns null for failure
findproc() {
pgrep -lf "$1" -u "$USER" | grep -ow "$qcmd_arg"

#check process isn't already running before attempting to start it
if [[ -z $(findproc "$procname") ]]; then
#run process in background and redirect input & output
eval "nohup $sline </dev/null >${KDBLOG}/torq${procname}.txt 2>&1 &"

#check exit code of nohup $sline to make sure process is starting successfully
if [ $temp_exit -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0
exit 1
exit 2

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions code/common/bglaunchutils.q
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
\d .sys

/a function to execute system commands and return a log message depending on the resulting exit code:
/used for both and
/params is (i) a dictionary if syscomm has been called by launch, and (ii) a string if it has been called by killproc
/cmd is the command to be executed, as a string

prevexitcode:first "I"$system cmd,"; echo $?";
id:$[lok:99h=type params;`launchprocess;`killprocess];
.lg.o[id;"Successful execution: ",$[lok;"Starting ";"Terminating "],pname];
.lg.e[id;"Failed to ",$[lok;"start ";"terminate "],pname];
.lg.e[id;pname,$[lok;" already ";" not "],"running"];
.lg.e[id;pname," not found"];
.lg.e[id;"Unknown error encountered"]

/function which lets us call from inside a TorQ process
/it takes a dictionary of parameters which will be passed to, i.e "-procname rdb1 -proctype rdb" etc.
/exit immediately if process name and type aren't provided
if[not all `procname`proctype in key params;
.lg.e[`launchprocess;"Process name and type must be provided"];

/set default values with .Q.def and string the result:
pass_arg:first `$.Q.opt[.z.X]`U;
if[2>count pass_arg;pass_arg:`$getenv[`KDBAPPCONFIG],"/passwords/accesslist.txt"];
deflt:`procname`proctype`U`localtime`p`qcmd!(`;`;pass_arg;first string .proc.localtime;`$"0W";"q");
params:string each .Q.def[deflt] params;

/format the params dictionary as a series of command line args
f_args:{"-",string[x]," ",y}'[key params;value params];
sline:"bash ",getenv[`TORQHOME],"/bin/ "," " sv f_args;
syscomm[params;] sline}

/this function calls from within a TorQ process,
/takes a single parameter, a string procname
bgkill:{[procname] syscomm[procname;] "bash ",getenv[`TORQHOME],"/bin/ ",procname}

43 changes: 42 additions & 1 deletion docs/
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Expand Up @@ -1316,6 +1316,46 @@ this, we’ve modified u.q. This can be turned off by setting .u.broadcast
to false. It is enabled by default, but will only override default
publishing if the kdb+ version being used is 3.4 or after.

## bglaunchutils.q

The background launch utilities allow other processes to be programmatically launched, or
terminated, from inside a TorQ process. The two main functions here are
.sys.bglaunch and .sys.bgkill.

.sys.bglaunch is the q function which takes a dictionary of input parameters which
are then passed to a bash script. This bash script functions like in how
it starts processes. It is important to note that the background launch utilities
are only supported on Linux as a result.


The input parameter dictionary, as shown above, should contain symbols as keys
and strings as values. Any standard or custom TorQ process can be launched
using .sys.bglaunch, and as such the function can accept any desired command line
parameters in the input dictionary. The minimum required are `` `procname`` and
`` `proctype``. In the case that only these two are used the other arguments will be
given default values.

| Parameter | Default Value |
| :------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| U | The password file used for the parent launching process, if none exists ${KDBAPPCONFIG}/passwords/accesslist.txt is used |
| localtime | The .proc.localtime value of the parent launching process |
| p | 0W - a random port will be chosen |
| qcmd | q |

The .sys.bgkill function is passed a single argument: the `` `procname`` of the process to
be terminated, as a string.

If the default value of "0W" is used for the port, a random port will be chosen
on which to launch the process. In this case the process will neeed to register
itself with discovery in order for other processes to be able to connect to it.
This is a standard behaviour for TorQ processes on startup (for more information
see [Connection Management](

<a name="api"></a>

Full API
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1588,4 +1628,5 @@ One final important variable is ```.grafana.del```, this dictates the delimeter
between options in the drop down menus. This has significant repercussions if
one of your columns includes full stops, eg. email adresses. As a result we have
left this as definable so that the user can alter this to a non-disruptive value
for their data eg./.
for their data eg./.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tests/bglaunchprocess/process.csv
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions tests/bglaunchprocess/
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#path to test directory

#start procs
${TORQHOME}/ start all -csv ${testpath}/process.csv

#Start test proc
/usr/bin/rlwrap q ${TORQHOME}/torq.q \
-proctype test -procname test1 \
-test ${testpath} \
-load ${TORQHOME}/code/common/bglaunchutils.q ${testpath}/settings.q \
-procfile ${testpath}/process.csv -debug

#Shut down procs
${TORQHOME}/ stop all -csv ${testpath}/process.csv
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tests/bglaunchprocess/settings.q
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/variables and fns to be used during the unit tests:
/let the test port_no be 7124


27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions tests/bglaunchprocess/test.csv
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
comment,0,,"Test 1 - Launch and then kill a process with all possible cmd line args"
run,0,0,q,.sys.bglaunch input1,,,"Start a new process with extra command line args"
run,0,0,q,.os.sleep 2,,,"Wait for process to start"
run,0,0,q,h:hopen `::7124:admin:admin,,,"Attempt to connect to the new process"
true,0,0,q,`test2=@[h;".proc.procname";`],,,"Check that connection has been made"
true,0,0,q,11011111010b~value input1 in' value key[input1]#.Q.opt (h)".z.X",,,"Check that the cmd line args are as expected"
run,0,0,q,pid1:h".z.i",,,"Find the PID of the launched process"
run,0,0,q,.sys.bgkill "test2",,,"Kill the process"
run,0,0,q,.os.sleep 2,,,"Wait for process to be terminated"
true,0,0,q,@[h;".proc.procname";{1b}],,,"Check that the handle to the process is no longer open"
true,0,0,q,not pid1 in "I"$1 _ .proc.sys "ps -u $USER | awk '{print $1}'",,,"Check that the PID of the old process is no longer in use"

comment,0,,"Test 2 - Launch and then kill a process with no extra cmd line args, to test defaulting"
run,0,0,q,.sys.bglaunch input2,,,"Start a new process with no extra command line args, hence relying on defaulting in cloudutils.q"
run,0,0,q,.os.sleep 2,,,"Wait for process to start"
run,0,0,q,proc_port:first exec hpup from .servers.querydiscovery`test where procname=`test3,,,"Find process port from discovery services "
run,0,0,q,"h2:hopen `$string[proc_port],"":admin:admin""",,,"Attempt to connect to the process"
true,0,0,q,`test3=@[h2;".proc.procname";`],,,"Check that connection has been made"
true,0,0,q,110b~(value input2)in' value key[input2]#.Q.opt h2".z.X",,,"Check that correct process name and type are present in the cmd line args of the process"
true,0,0,q,"all (getenv[`KDBAPPCONFIG],""/passwords/accesslist.txt"";string .proc.localtime;""0W"")in' value `U`localtime`p#.Q.opt h2"".z.X""",,,"Check that the expected default parameters for the U,localtime and p flags are present in the cmd line args"
run,0,0,q,pid2:h2".z.i",,,"Find the PID of the launched process"
run,0,0,q,.sys.bgkill "test3",,,"Kill the process"
run,0,0,q,.os.sleep 2,,,"Wait for process to be terminated"
true,0,0,q,@[h2;".proc.procname";{1b}],,,"Check that the handle to the process is no longer open"
true,0,0,q,not pid2 in "I"$1 _ .proc.sys "ps -u $USER | awk '{print $1}'",,,"Check that the PID of the old process is no longer in use"

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