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Weather System

DasSauerkraut edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 1 revision


There are eight different climates, each modifies the weather generation slightly, but some modify it more than others.

  • Temperate: The temperate climate is pretty basic, it does not increase or decrease the average temperature or humidity. Modifiers(Temperature: 0, Humidity: 0)
  • Temperate Mountain: This climate is colder than normal, but that's about it. Modifiers(Temperature: -10, Humidity: 0)
  • Desert: The Desert climate is very hot, and also very dry, weather events are uncommon here. Modifiers(Temperature: +20, Humidity: -4)
  • Tundra: It's pretty damn cold here, no major effect on humidity though. Modifiers(Temperature: -20, Humidity: 0)
  • Tropical: It's hot, it's humid, and seasons work a bit differently. Seasonal temperature modifiers are halved, and seasonal humidity modifiers are doubled. Modifiers(Temperature: +20, Humidity: +1)
  • Taiga: Like the tundra, it's cold, but it's also a bit dry. Modifiers(Temperature: -20, Humidity: -1)
  • Volcanic: This one's extremely hot, and has a completely seperate set of weather events. Do you like firey rain? You can find it here. Modifiers(Temperature: +40, Humidity: 0)
  • Polar: On the opposite end of the spectrum, the polar climate is bone chillingly cold. Furthermore, depending on the season's temperature, you might get extremely long days(Season Temperature +) or extremely long nights(Season Temperature -). Modifiers(Temperature: -50, Humidity: 0)

Weather Effects


Boring Stuff about how Weather Generates

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