Releases: DasSauerkraut/calendar-weather
v3.1.0 - Calendar Import/Export
This update finally adds the oft requested ability to import/export calendars! There are a couple minor bugs with it as it stands, but nothing major enough to halt a release.
-Adding or deleting moons, seasons, or events will no longer cause all of the collapsables to collapse.
-Moons cycles are no longer locked to integers, meaning a cycle can be something like 30.3 days long! A big thanks to Nyoung for this improvement.
-You can now export calendars! In the calendar setting page, clicking the 'Export' Button will copy the calendar's data to your clipboard. The calendar will include all moons, seasons, events, etc but it will not include the current date and time.
-You can now import calendars! In the calendar settings page, clicking the 'Import' button will open a prompt allowing you to paste in calendar data. Due to some constraints, the calendar will display an incorrect date until it is updated at least once by incrementing time any amount or saving calendar settings.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where setting the date to the first of the month would not stick. Thanks again to Nyoung!
-Fixed issue with old code being utilized instead of the new Celcius setting, causing incorrect outputs. Thanks to @WarrenDB for this fix!
v3.0.7 - Bug Fixes Community Edition!
This update is a Community update, as all I did was merge in the changes, everything else was by you all!
This release fixes a myriad of issues with adding, deleting, or otherwise modifying the calendar.
A very special thanks to @geilt and @geoidesic who are responsible for these fixes.
Furthermore, there have been some localization updates to bring them in line with the current UI.
A Note on Future Updates
Due to this semester being extraordinarily heavy, work on Calendar/Weather has slowed down greatly as most of my time is being taken up with classes. As such, bug fixes will take longer than normal, and there won't be any new features until the new year passes and life calms down. I will try to fix any issues that pop up when I get the time, but school takes precedence unfortunately.
If you create a issue or pull request on github, please ping me here on discord as I don't check github all that often.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with adding and deleting weekdays and months
- Fixed issue with setting the era
- Fixed issue with setting the year
- Fixed issue preventing the date being updated
Localization Changes
- The Korean localization has been updated, thanks drdwing!
- The Brazilian Portuguese localization has been updated, thanks Rinnocenti
- Polish localization has been added, thanks to silentmark!
v2.7.1 - Bug Fixes and Portuguese Language Support
This release is mostly bug fixes, but it does also contain language support for Brazilian Portuguese.
- Fixed that damned bug that prevented seasons from advancing or advancing incorrectly
- Fixed broken translation strings
- Added localization for Brazilian Portuguese, thanks @rinnocenti !
v2.7.0 - UI Improvements
This update is mostly focused around minor improvements to the UI as well as bug fixes.
** New Features: **
- Event UI Improvements: The event menu now has collapsible headers so the menu does not get awfully cluttered overtime.
- Start/Stop Indicator: The real time clock indicator has received a minor upgrade that changes the symbol depending on if the clock is running or not.
** Bug Fixes: **
- Fixed issue where the climate was getting set to Desert when it should have been
- Fixed issue where the Blood Moon filter would inadvertently cause the scene to go black.
v2.6.2 - Bug Fixes, Global Illumination Disabling, 6.0 Compatability
This is a small collection of bug fixes as well as a minor improvement.
New Features
- Disable Global Illumination at Night Setting - When checked, once the scene reaches max darkness, this setting will disable the scene's Global Illumination for even darker nights.
- Better Full Moons: Full Moons will now trigger at 96% instead of 100% for a slightly longer full moon.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the season roll table would break when the weather was regenerated.
- Clarified setting descriptions
- Fixed issue that caused the scene to constantly set darkness if there was a full moon.
v2.6.0 - Moons!
This release introduces moons into Calendar/Weather as well as Japanese language support and bug fixes.
New Features:
- Moon System: Moons can now be tracked from the Events menu. Each moon is tracked as it waxes and wanes, optionally displaying cards to chat when the phase changes. Moons have a configurable change for a Lunar or Solar Eclipse on a given day. Lunar eclipses are divided into partial and total Lunar eclipses. A total Lunar Eclipse occurs if a partial lunar eclipse occurs on a Full Moon. Total Lunar eclipses apply a red filter to the nights for that Blood Moon feel. Solar eclipses will cause the current scene to darken for 30min at around 11:45 on the day of.
- Japanese Language Support: Thanks @brother Sharp!
Bug Fixes: - Fixed user lacking permissions to move calendar. This change also has the effect of decentralizing the calendar's position. It will now be saved on a user by user basis rather than the dumb way it was before.
v2.5.0 - Togglable Calendar and German Language Support
This release is a small collection of bug fixes, plus a requested feature, and expanded language support.
New Features:
- Togglable Calendar: You can now hide the calendar by navigating into the note controls for the scene view.
- Refactored Dragging: Minor refactor on how dragging operates, the Calendar window now displays above almost every UI element so it won't get stuck, furthermore, it will snap back to inside the window if you drag it out.
- German Language Support: Thanks Codas!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that created an unclickable 'bar' beneath the calendar window.
v2.4.0 - Rollable Tables and Korean Language support
This update adds a neat new feature, as well as providing more control in scene settings.
New Features:
- Rollable Tables: Seasons can now be assigned a Rollable table via the @rolltable[] syntax. If a table is provided, weather will be rolled off of it instead of the usual Calendar/Weather weather generation. The field supports Drag and Drop. Rollable Tables do not support FXMaster integration.
- Localization: Calendar/Weather is now in Korean! Thanks @klo
- Setting Improvements: Split the FXMaster Integration and Day/Night cycle setting into two settings. You can now have a scene that will get dark, but doesn't draw off of any current weather effects.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug that allowed the Calendar to move when it wasn't supposed to
v2.3.2 - Calendar Reset & Bugfixes
This small release adds two ways to reset the calendar's position as well as some minor bugfixes.
New Feature
- Calendar Position Reset: The calendar's position can be reset to it's default by either right clicking the time display or by typing
in the console.
Bug Fix
Fixed an issue preventing the calendar from appearing.
v2.3.0 - Moveable Calendar
This update primarily adds the much request ability to move the calendar as well as localization support and back end improvements.
New Features:
- Moveable Calendar: Right clicking and dragging on the date string will allow you to move the calendar to any point on the screen.
- Localization: Calendar/Weather now supports localization, currently only French and English are supported, but other languages can be added.
- Backend Improvements: Refactored the backend extensively. Because of this, there may be some gremlins lurking in the code somewhere.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed weather not toggling off in scenes that did not have showFX enabled.
- Fixed the Morrslieb effect constantly toggling
- Potentially fixed the issue that was corrupting calendars, it's hard to test so I'm not sure.
- And more that I've forgotten about.