Record you keystrokes and replay them just like in vim macro!
I wanted to make something that is somewhat portable across linux/unix. And easily works under X11 and Wayland. Firstly I thought about parsing contents of x11/wayland screenkey variants, but soon I withdrew from that thought, because of wayland inconsistencies. Then I thought, maybe I should parse only from showmethekey since it's cross-protocol, but I didn't like idea of having GTK window and use window rules to hide it etc.. In the end I discovered that showmethekey under the hood uses libinput. And to my surprise libinput already has ability to record and replay you keystrokes. But it's limited in a way that you can't speed it up. It's basically mirroring.
With this tool you can set delay, save recorded keystrokes to files and replay them as many times you want.
- libinput
- polkit
- python-libevdev (to be able to mirror replay)
To use put:
in /usr/bin/keystrokes
in /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/com.github.keystrokes.policy
in /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/com.github.keystrokes.rules
NOTE: symlinks don't work with polkit
This tool directly uses /dev/input/event...
, so using pkexec
we're getting root permissions.
You can use sudo, doas too.
If you encounter issues when executing your binds via keyboard such as Refusing to render service to dead parents
, make a wrapper:
pkexec keystrokes "$@"
Usage: keystrokes [OPTION]...
Short options take same arguments as their long counterpart.
-h, --help display this help and exit
-p, --play [NAME] play macro
-r, --record [NAME] record macro
-R, --remove [NAME] remove recorded macro
-s, --stop-record forcestop recording macro (usefull for scripts)
-S, --stop-replay forcestop playing macro (usefull for scripts)
-v, --version display version and exit
-D, --device NAME pick recording device (either path or descriptive name,
see `libinput list-kernel-devices`)
this is usefull for remote activating in DESKTOP/WM
-d, --delay NUMBER set replay time in ms (default 12ms)
-m, --mirror mirror replay timing exactly as it was recorded
-n, --nplay NUMBER set number of replays
-x, --x11 due to how pkexec works we can't read XDG_SESSION_TYPE
directly in script, use this flag if you're on X11.
-y, --ydotool PATH due to how pkexec works we can't read YDOTOOL_SOCKET
directly in script, use this flag if you're on Wayland.
you don't need to use this if path to your
[NAME] is optional, if not specified it will create files using mktemp.
You can find unnamed macros in /tmp/*.macro.
If you accidentally recorded wrong macro without specifying NAME don't worry,
Run `macro -R`, this will autodelete last unnamed recorded file.
See my dotfiles for usage example in sxhkd.
Name | Description | Protocol | Language |
xnee | distributed keyboard and mouse solution | X11 | C |
atbswp | keyboard and mouse | X11+Wayland? | Python |
xmacroIncludingDelayCapturing | keyboard and mouse with record delay | X11 | C |
libinput+python-evdev | record & replay any /dev/input |
X11+Wayland | C+Python |
- proper tty support maybe?!
- better mouse support?
- issues with repeating,
keydown super+ctrl+q; keyup super
will result in pressingCTRL+Q