- Make sure you have a aur installer or you can manually install them. Mine is yay so that is what is in this example, but feel free to use whatever.
yay -S waybar wofi wlogout hyprland hyprpaper foot neovim brightnessctl wl-clipboard xorg-server feh zsh thorium-browser-bin libxdamage jdtls jdk21-openjdk python unzip tmux usbutils
- Some optional but recommended packages:
sudo pacman -S thunar tlp blueman bluez bluez-utils pulseaudio pulseaudio-jack pulseaudio-alsa gvfs sof-firmware
- Also, I use the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font for everything. You can change the font or copy the files from .local/share/fonts to your local dir and then run "fc-cache -fv"
- Clone the repo with:
git clone https://github.com/DarthMooMancer/Hypr-Dots.git
Automatically moving:
- install stow with yay/pacman
- cd into the dotfiles folder
- stow . ( if needed --adopt )
- cp -r .config/* ~/.config
- And so on and so forth for each thing
- Bluetooth
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
sudo systemctl enable tlp.service