Welcome to The Movie App! This web application allows users to browse movies, view details, and rate their favorite movies.
This project was bootstrapped with create-next-app
- Browse Movies: Explore a collection of popular movies and search for specific titles.
- Movie Details: View detailed information about each movie, including overview, release date, and more.
- Rate Movies: Rate your favorite movies and keep track of your ratings.
- My List: Check your rated movies on the "My List" page.
- React
- Next.js
- React Query
- TypeScript
- Daisy UI & Tailwind CSS
- The Movie DB API
Follow these steps to run the project locally:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/movie-rating-app.git cd movie-rating-app
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Set Up Environment Variables:
Create a .env file in the root directory. Add your Movie Database API key as shown in the .env.examples file
Run the Application:
npm run dev
Open in Browser:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
Contributions to The Movie App are welcome. If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code as per your needs;
If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact Daro.