GLEW openGL wrapper for C++
ShaderProgramInstance shader_program;
ShaderInstance vertex_shader(ShaderType::Vertex);
vertex_shader << vertex_shader_source;
} else {
//attach to program
shader_program << vertex_shader;
ShaderInstance fragment_shader(ShaderType::Fragment);
fragment_shader << fragment_shader_source;
} else {
//attach to program
shader_program << fragment_shader;
ShaderUniform view_loc = shader_program.get_uniform("View" ,UniformType::FMat4 );
ShaderUniform model_loc = shader_program.get_uniform("Models" ,UniformType::FMat4 );
ShaderUniform cam_loc = shader_program.get_uniform("Cam" ,UniformType::FMat4 );
ShaderUniform color_loc = shader_program.get_uniform("Color" ,UniformType::FVec3 );
ShaderUniform max_index = shader_program.get_uniform("max_index");
max_index.type = UniformType::Int;
//note that uniform type must be set or latter set_data function won't work
shader_program.bind(); //should be bound before setting uniform data
bool matrix_transposed = false
//glm: view_loc.set_data(value_ptr(view_matrix), 1,matrix_transposed);
//loading uniform array: entity_transforms -> std::vector<matrix4x4>
//or in case of non transposed matrices
model_loc << entity_transforms;
//note that matrix_transposed is only meant for matrix uniform types and doesn't really affect any other data type
BufferDescriptor VBO_desc = {
.target = BufferTarget::Array,
.usage = BufferUsage::StaticDraw,
.access = BufferAccess::ReadOnly
}, EBO_desc = {
.target = BufferTarget::Element,
.usage = BufferUsage::StaticDraw,
.access = BufferAccess::ReadOnly
//needs to be created before the buffer instances
VertexArrayInstance VAO;
BufferInstance VBO(VBO_desc), EBO(EBO_desc);
// VBO.bind() //buffer binding should occur after VertexArray binding
// EBO.bind()
//loading data
// note that sourcing the buffer data already binds it to the target described in the BufferDescriptor
VBO << vertices; //vertices -> std::vector<vec3>
EBO << indices; //indices -> std::vector<uint32_t>
//setup vertex pointer to vec3
EBO.unbind(); //EBO should be unbound after VertexArray (openGL stuff)
for this example assume that the image loading function is something like this:
struct Image{
int width=0,height=0,channels = 3;
stbi_uc* data = nullptr;
if(data) stbi_image_free(data);
* loads an image and its data
* @param file the name of the file
* @param channels ? the amount of channels wanted
static Image load(const char* file,int channels = 4){
Image image; = stbi_load(file,&image.width,&image.height,&image.channels,channels);
return image;
now loading a texture is easy,
first, create a TextureInstance
and provide it the type of texture wanted for example:
- Tex1D for color arrays
- Tex1DArray for and array of color arrays
- Tex2D for images
- Tex2DArray for image arrays
- Tex3D for 3D images (perhaps voxel data)
Texture Instance Creation:
TextureInstance texture(TextureType::Tex2D);
setting up the filters (min_filter and mag_filter):
.iparams = {
TextureConfig::IOption{ GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, { GL_REPEAT } },
TextureConfig::IOption{ GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, { GL_REPEAT } } ,
TextureConfig::IOption{ GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, { GL_NEAREST } } ,
TextureConfig::IOption{ GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, { GL_LINEAR } }
//and if you want to also setup the border color
// .fparams = {
// TextureConfig::FOption{ GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, { 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f } },
// }
and finaly load the image into the texture:
.width = (size_t)test_image.width,
.height = (size_t)test_image.height,
.depth = 0, //or layer in case you're dealing with Tex1DArray ou Tex2DArray
.border = 0,
.level = 0,
.internal_format = GL_RGB; //the format that will be used by GPU
.format = GL_RGB, //the format of the data you're loading
.datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
.generate_mipmaps = false; //force openGL to generate MipMaps for your texture
note that all the texture related functions above already deal with texture binding and at this point to prevent any changes on the GPU data you should unbind it: