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Self assessment

Femmy Admiraal edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 17 revisions

In order to add a self-assessment to a contribution, you have to be logged in, and you have to have sufficient permissions for the contribution in question, e.g. as the creator of the contribution or as an editor.

If you have created the contribution yourself, it is accessible in the list under 'My contributions'. If you have been added as an editor to a contribution, you will need to look-up the contribution from the list under 'All contributions'.

To add a self assessment, open the contribution by clicking on the black arrow left of the contribution's title, and select 'Start a self-assessment for this contribution', which is found below the box with all the core metadata.


What you get as a result, is an empty assessment form:

Assessment form


Contribution part

On top, there is a summary of the contribution you are assessing. You can expand that information; in that way you have all the relevant info of the contribution under your finger tips.

At the end of the assessment and review procedure, these contribution details will be frozen, and become part of the assessment. But as long as you have not submitted your assessment for review, you can still modify your contribution, and the details in the assessment form will reflect those changes.

Criteria part

The system has fetched a number of criteria against which you have to assess your contribution. The choice of criteria is dictated by the type of your contribution, according to a schema that has been defined by the DARIAH board. This schema can change over the years, and contribution types may get obsolete. See also below, in section Legacy Types.

But once your assessment is reviewed and completed, the current criteria will be consolidated into the assessment. Later changes in the criteria will have no effect on your contribution.

Every criterion asks for two pieces of information from your part:

  1. score: your rating of how well your contribution complies with this criterion. The values to choose from are dependent on the criterion. Sometimes there is a value non-applicable.
  2. evidence: A reason, a document, or any accessible piece of information that proves or indicates the validity of your score assignment.

Your assessment will get a total score computed as the average of all individual scores. In this computation, all scores with non-applicable will not be counted. So if there are 14 criteria, and you have twice non-applicable, your total score will be the average of the 12 remaining scores.

Initial view

Your first view on the criteria entry forms will a long sequence of red-framed boxes, one for each criterion. They are all in edit mode, so you can fill them out right away.

After data entry


As soon as you have entered a score and a piece of evidence for a criterion, the red frame will change into green, and they will be shown in a more compact read-only mode.

Your evidence will remain in view, unless you choose to collapse it.

Reviewers view


Note that you can filter the criteria entry records by score, in case you want to focus on e.g. the ones with the lowest score. You can also hide the evidence.

Legacy Types

As mentioned below, the types of contributions and their associated criteria are not carved in stone. Following up on evolving insights and practices, the DARIAH board may decide to adapt the type classification of contributions, and to add or remove criteria to or from contributions.

If a type gets removed, it will not be deleted, but it becomes a legacy type. Existing contributions carrying that type, will not be modified. They will continue to carry that type. On the interface it will show in red.


It is not possible to create assessments for contributions with a legacy type

If you try it nevertheless, nothing will happen and you will get an error message:


The only way forward, is to edit this contribution and select an appropriate type. Note that once you edit a contribution, you can only select non-legacy types! As soon you have saved the new type, you cannot go back annymore to the legacy type.