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Arduino library for SAMI the Smart Motor Driver by 2BRobots.

Here is how to use the library:

First yu will need to include the library in the Arduino sketch

#include "SAMI_2BRobots.h"

Them create object from library class, you can use any other name instead of "motor", if using multiple motors create one ob ject per motor

SAMI_2BRobots motor = SAMI_2BRobots();

Now init SAMI, by default it uses address 0x24. For other addres just define it. This returns true if sucess and false when fail



There is also this functions to control SAMI, please check documentation and examples for know how to use it

motor.getAddress(); //return I2C address

motor.inverted(bool); //allows to swap motor direction CCW and CW in software. Set true or false.

motor.setAddress (address); //set I2C address, it requires SAVE and RESET before changes takes efect

motor.isRunning(); //returns 1 or 0 indicating if the motor is running or not

motor.Run (); //send 0 or 1 to stop or start the motor

motor.getIOWPU(); //returns 1 or 0 indicating if the internal pull-ups are enabled or not

motor.setIOWPU (); //send 0 or 1 to enable or disable internal pull-ups, it requires SAVE and RESET before changes takes efect

motor.getMode(); //gets the actual operation mode

motor.setMode (); //changes the operation mode

motor.SAVE(); //saves non-volatile data

motor.RESET(); //it resets SAMI

motor.getGear(); //gets the gear relation

motor.setGear (); //sets the gear relation

motor.getDiameter(); //gets the wheeel diameter

motor.setDiameter (); //sets the wheeel diameter

motor.getRPM(); //gets the actual RPM's of the motor

motor.getSpeed(); //gets the desired speed to run the motor

motor.setSpeed (); //sets the desired speed to run the motor

motor.getDistance(); //gets the desired distance to run the motor or the total traveled distance since start

motor.setDistance(); //sets the desired distance to run the motor before auto-stop triggers

motor.getAngle(); //gets the desired degrees to run the motor or the total traveled distance since start

motor.setAngle(); //sets the desired degrees to run the motor before auto-stop triggers

motor.getRPM_PID_KP(); //gets gains

motor.setRPM_PID_KP(); //sets gains









