Pedal Switch for playing FPS games
This project provides an USB keyboard emulator to be activated by feet either individually or simultaneously. It is based on a DigisPark board with updated DigiKeyboard.h library.
- Download the modified library "DigiKeyboard_6keys.h" and copy it to the following folder/directory:
Under Windows
Under Linux
/home/username/.arduino15/packages/digistump/hardware/avr/1.6.7/libraries/DigisparkKeyboard/ 3
- Include the modified library in your project and whenever is necessary to send multiple keys use the modified library:
#include "DigiKeyboard_6keys.h"
Then you can send simultaneous keys by adding keystrokes to output buffer
// clear buffer by default
memset( DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer , 0, sizeof( DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer));
// Now add up to 6 keys to report
DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer[i++] = _Key_A;
DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer[i++] = _Key_B;
DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer[i++] = _Key_C;
DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer[i++] = _Key_D;
DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer[i++] = _Key_E;
DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer[i++] = _Key_F;
// Now set to send the keystrokes in the next USB interrupt
usbSetInterrupt( DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer, sizeof(DigiKeyboard.reportBuffer));
while (!usbInterruptIsReady()) {
To release all the keys, simply send a clear buffer