This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor.
This is my submission of the QR code component challenge. Within this challenge I tried to match the criteria as closely as possible. I used the w3schools how to design a product card ( ), and what I had so far learnt from Dr Angela Yu's Web development course to complete the challenge ( ).
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
This was a good revision practice in responsiveness, margins and paddings. Using web developer tools on firefox was a huge help in continuing to solidfy the differences, as well as being able to visually see the changes necessary before applying them to my code.
I will continue to practice layout and further strengthen flexbox.
- - How to product card - This helped me to create the card component. This really helped to explain step by step what to do to achieve the effect needed, provided a clear visual example, and allowed for the demo code to be manipulated to see different effects.
- - How to responsive image - A great tutorial in helping to achieve a responsive image.
- Frontend Mentor - @Danielle73