Institution of Applied Hydraulics
- Sweden
CControl Public
Using advanced control and computer vision techniques in an easy way for embedded
GoobySoft Public
General software for logging and controlling devices. Controlling Modbus, CAN bus via STM32PLC etc
MataveControl Public
GNU Octave and MATLAB control toolbox
MataveID Public
System identification toolbox for GNU Octave and MATLAB
wxPlot Public
Real time plotting in wxWidgets - No dependencies
Weller-to-JBC-converter Public
Convert your old Weller to a JBC
STM32-OS Public
A Linux operating system for the STM32 Computer
nanoMODBUS Public
Forked from debevv/nanoMODBUSA compact MODBUS RTU/TCP C library for embedded/microcontrollers
Open-SAE-J1939 Public
SAE J1939 protocol free to use for embedded systems or PC with CAN-bus
STM32-Computer Public
STM32 Computer were Linux can be deployed onto
STM32-Registers-Only Public
Programming the ARM STM32 controllers with registers only
GoobyBox Public
I/O Shield for Arduino UNO
STM32-Libraries Public
Collection of rewritten Arduino libraries to STM32 libraries
STM32-PLC Public
STM32 microcontroller with lots of periferials such as ADC, differential ADC, Input Capture, PWM, USB, Encoder, DAC, Digital Input, RTC, CAN-bus + Alarm etc.
STM32-Ethernet-Camera Public
PCB board with camera and ethernet connection + CAN-bus
Adaptive-Control Public
Adaptive control methods developed by Karl Johan Åström and Björn Wittenmark from the 70-80's for industrial use
GNU-Octave-Logger Public
Basic data acquisition system with Arduino UNO and GNU Octave
EmbeddedLapack Public
Linear algebra for embedded system with MATLAB style
Easy-CANopen Public
A CANopen protocol for all systems such as embedded, PC, etc.
OpenSourceLogger Public
Data acquisition software with STM32-PLC. Collect measurement, analyze CAN-messages and send SAE-J1939 messages to other ECUs.
CSV2MySQL Public
Insert CSV into a MySQL/MariaDB database by using a schedule task
OpenSourceLogger-Web Public
Use and STM32 to store measurements into a MySQL server over the web
OpenSourceLogger-Qt Public
Open Source Data Acquisition System
Unscented-Kalman-Filter Public
Unscented Kalman Filter in C code and MATLAB code - Easy to use
Stock-Trend Public
Analyse trends of stocks from Yahoo Finance
Test-Bench-Data Public
Contains CRUD, Charts, Menu Layout, FTP downloader, Spring JPA, Spring Security
Optimal-Control Public
A collection of physical linear state space models with optimal control and Matavecontrol
Memorize-Sentences Public
A tool for memorizing sentences in all languages.
Camera-Reporter Public
Camera reporter with mail feature. This project uses the Darknet library for identify objects. It also uses Spring Boot to handle the web service and mail
Java-Applications Public
Simulation of 3D models, web applications, JavaEE, JavaFX and Sockets