A category on NSObject to allow for runtime introspection. It allows you to generate a dictionary with key value pairs of an objects properties.
- These exensions use ARC; Hence ios4.0+
- Drag NSObject+introspection folder into your project.
#import "NSObject+introspection.h"
wherever needed.
Since NSObject is the root class of almost any Objective-C object, it can be called by almost any class you have.
It exposes 4 methods:
-(NSDictionary*)dhc_propertiesDict; //returns a dictionary with key-value pairs of the objects declared properties
-(NSDictionary *)dhc_iVarsDict; //returns a dictionary with key-value pairs of the objects iVars
-(NSDictionary *)dhc_methodsDict; //returns a dictionary with key-value pairs of the objects methods
//currently the key and value are both the method name string
-(NSDictionary *)dhc_objectIntrospectDictionary; //returns a dictionary with the above 3 dictionaries with keys "properties", "iVars" and "methods"
- any property or iVar that is
will be an[NSNull null]
value for it's corresponding key. - any scalar properties will automatically be converted to / from their objective equivalents.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SomeOtherObject.h" // not described in readme
@interface SomeObject : NSObject {
NSString *anIvarString;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *someString;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SomeOtherObject *someOtherObject;
#import "SomeObject.h"
@implementation SomeObject
@synthesize someString;
@synthesize someOtherObject;
self=[super init];
anIvarString=@"some string value";
self.someString=@"a string which is a property of our object"
self.someOtherObject=[[SomeOtherObject alloc] init];
return self;
anywhere in your code
#import "NSObject+Introspection.h"
#import "SomeObject.h"
SomeObject *someObject=[[SomeObject alloc] init];
NSDictionary *propsDict=[someObject propertiesDict];
NSLog (@"%@",propsDict.description);
log output
someOtherObject = "<someOtherObject: 0x765fe50>"; //the dictionary contains the pointer to the actual instance
someString = "a string which is a property of our object";
- talk about removal of .cxx_desctruct method from methods dict, its a method on every nsobject called after dealloc
- add some more interesting extensions :)