A simple category that allows you set a block to fire when an object is dealloced.
N.B: fires After object has been released! (possible to do.. make it fire before)
###CocoaPods (preferred)
pod "DHCOnDealloc", "~>0.1"
copy contents of DHCOnDealloc
to your project
to setup a block to execute before an object Foo is deallocated:
#import "NSObject+DHCOnDealloc.h"
Foo *myFoo=[[Foo alloc] init];
[myFoo onDealloc:^{
NSLog(@"I'll miss you bro");
//and other more useful stuff
//be careful of retain cycles
//(google them)
myFoo=nil; //ARC will call -dealloc //this will fire your block //he will miss you bro