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1) mvn clean install 
   to build in directory with root pom.xml

2) to start server; do the following
   from project root directory:

(assumes you are using correct *.yml Server configuration; 
 and have told JVM to start Server on debug port 5005;
 and made the *.bsh file executable)

java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -jar target/WarmupREST-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server WarmupREST.yml


3) to start the debugger; select the RemoteHelloBaby Configuration;
   then hit DEBUG toolbar button

(assumes you have setup IntelliJ Remote Debug configuration to connect to port 5005)

for running remote JVM, then connection on localhost port 5005

4) hit GET on Service from localhost browser:


should expect to see the following JSON:
{"id":1,"content":"Biyau, Biyau Mama!"}

5) THEN, add some query params with HTML escape char for space for:

curl GET 'http://localhost:8080/baby/talk?saying=What%20Happened&person=grandma'

{"id":3,"content":"What Happened, grandma!"}

***NOTE:  On browser, can just pass in URL; but on CMD-LINE with CURL, need to put single quotes around URL so that all params will be recognized!

6) THEN, GET latest state of baby

curl http://localhost:8080/baby/view

Should expect to see this JSON content:

{"id":1,"countSayings":0,"latestSaying":{"id":1,"content":"Biyau, Biyau"},"weightInPounds":"18","isDiaperDirty":false}

7) THEN, change state idempotently with a PUT: 
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d @change-diaper.json http://localhost:8080/baby/change-diaper  

*** NOTE:  *.json format MATCHes DUMP of elements from GET

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 19:34:14 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

{"id":9,"content":"Thank you for change-diaper, mama!!"}

8) THEN, GET latest state of baby

Should expect to see this JSON content:

{"id":1,"countSayings":9,"latestSaying":{"id":1,"content":"Thank you for change-diaper, mama!!"},"weightInPounds":"18","isDiaperDirty":false}i

9) TODO:  FIX to use NOUN-attributes in URL and NOT verbs to change state
   TODO:  ADD support for returning COLLECTIONS



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