Literally a place to keep my stuff that is Joplin related. Each folder is simply a project in its own right.
A mockup design of what a welcome splash screen could look like in Joplin. More info in /JoplinWelcome/
An idea, mostly for my own purposes, to create a unified Joplin-wide style guide for easy reference of colours + styles as used on the various applications as well as the website. Hopefully can be used to start discussions, if nothing else, into creation of a proper design language and design system, unifying the Joplin brand as a whole and allowing for easer theming support in the long run.
Not a notetaking superhero, its my attempt to make a man
page for the Joplin terminal/CLI app, currently its pretty much just the text from joplin help all
with a few formatting changes and a couple of extra sections.
Simple conversion of the official svg into a a font that can be installed on an OS