Bitcoin, BitcoinCash(ABC) and Dash wallet toolkit for Swift. This is a full implementation of SPV node including wallet creation/restore, synchronization with network, send/receive transactions, and more. The repository includes the main BitcoinCore.swift
and BitcoinKit.swift
, BitcoinCashKit.swift
and DashKit.swift
separate pods.
- Full SPV implementation for fast mobile performance
- Send/Receive Legacy transactions (P2PKH, P2PK, P2SH)
- BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets implementation.
- BIP39 mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys.
- BIP44 multi-account hierarchy for deterministic wallets.
- BIP21 URI schemes, which include payment address, amount, label and other params
- Send/Receive Segwit transactions (P2WPKH)
- Send/Receive Segwit transactions compatible with legacy wallets (P2WPKH-SH)
- base58, bech32
- bech32 cashaddr addresses
- Instant send
- LLMQ lock, Masternodes validation
On this page, we'll use Kits to refer to one of BitcoinKit.swift
, BitcoinCashKit.swift
and DashKit.swift
Kits requires you to provide mnemonic phrase when it is initialized:
let words = ["word1", ... , "word12"]
let bitcoinKit = BitcoinKit(withWords: words, walletId: "bitcoin-wallet-id", syncMode: .api, networkType: .mainNet)
let bitcoinCashKit = BitcoinCashKit(withWords: words, walletId: "bitcoin-cash-wallet-id", syncMode: .api, networkType: .mainNet)
let dashKit = DashKit(withWords: words, walletId: "dash-wallet-id", syncMode: .api, networkType: .mainNet)
All 3 Kits can be configured to work in .mainNet
or .testNet
Kits can restore existing wallet or create a new one. When restoring, it generates addresses for given wallet according to bip44 protocol, then it pulls all historical transactions for each of those addresses. This is done only once on initial sync. syncMode
parameter defines where it pulls historical transactions from. When they are pulled, it continues to sync according to SPV protocol no matter which syncMode was used for initial sync. There are 3 modes available:
: Fully synchronizes from peer-to-peer network starting from the block when bip44 was introduced. This mode is the most private (since it fully complies with SPV protocol), but it takes approximately 2 hours to sync up to now (June 10, 2019)..api
: Transactions before checkpoint are pulled from API(currently Insight API or BcoinAPI). Then the rest is synchronized from peer-to-peer network. This is the fastest one, but it's possible for an attacker to learn which addresses you own. Checkpoints are updated with each new release and hardcoded so the blocks validation is not broken..newWallet
: No need to pull transactions.
: Minimum number of confirmations required for an unspent output in incoming transaction to be spent (default: 6)minLogLevel
: Can be configured for debug purposes if required.
Kits require to be started with start
command. It will be in synced state as long as it is possible. You can call stop
to stop it
Kits hold all kinds of data obtained from and needed for working with blockchain network
Balance is provided in Satoshi
// 2937096768
Last block info contains headerHash
, height
and timestamp
that can be used for displaying sync info to user:
// ▿ Optional<BlockInfo>
// ▿ some : BlockInfo
// - headerHash : //"00000000000041ae2164b486398415cca902a41214cad72291ee04b212bed4c4"
// - height : 1446751
// ▿ timestamp : Optional<Int>
// - some : 1544097931
Get an address which you can receive coins to. Receive address is changed each time after you actually get a transaction in which you receive coins to that address
// "mgv1KTzGZby57K5EngZVaPdPtphPmEWjiS"
Kits have transactions(fromHash: nil, limit: nil)
methods which return Single<TransactionInfo>
(for BitcoinKit and BitcoinCashKit) and Single<DashTransactionInfo>
(for DashKit) RX Single Observers.
// ▿ TransactionInfo
// - transactionHash : "0f83c9b330f936dc4a2458b7d3bb06dce6647a521bf6d98f9c9d3cdd5f6d2a73"
// - transactionIndex : 500000
// ▿ from : 2 elements
// ▿ 0 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "mft8jpnf3XwwqhaYSYMSXePFN85mGU4oBd"
// - mine : true
// ▿ 1 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "mnNS5LEQDnYC2xqT12MnQmcuSvhfpem8gt"
// - mine : true
// ▿ to : 2 elements
// ▿ 0 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "n43efNftHQ1cXYMZK4Dc53wgR6XgzZHGjs"
// - mine : false
// ▿ 1 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "mrjQyzbX9SiJxRC2mQhT4LvxFEmt9KEeRY"
// - mine : true
// - amount : -800378
// ▿ blockHeight : Optional<Int>
// - some : 1446602
// ▿ timestamp : Optional<Int>
// - some : 1543995972
// ▿ DashTransactionInfo
// - transactionHash : "0f83c9b330f936dc4a2458b7d3bb06dce6647a521bf6d98f9c9d3cdd5f6d2a73"
// - transactionIndex : 500000
// - instantTx : true
// ▿ from : 2 elements
// ▿ 0 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "mft8jpnf3XwwqhaYSYMSXePFN85mGU4oBd"
// - mine : true
// ▿ 1 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "mnNS5LEQDnYC2xqT12MnQmcuSvhfpem8gt"
// - mine : true
// ▿ to : 2 elements
// ▿ 0 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "n43efNftHQ1cXYMZK4Dc53wgR6XgzZHGjs"
// - mine : false
// ▿ 1 : TransactionAddressInfo
// - address : "mrjQyzbX9SiJxRC2mQhT4LvxFEmt9KEeRY"
// - mine : true
// - amount : -800378
// ▿ blockHeight : Optional<Int>
// - some : 1446602
// ▿ timestamp : Optional<Int>
// - some : 1543995972
In order to create new transaction, call send(to: String, value: Int, feeRate: Int)
method on Kits
try bitcoinKit.send(to: "mrjQyzbX9SiJxRC2mQhT4LvxFEmt9KEeRY", value: 1000000, feeRate: 10000)
This first validates a given address and amount, creates new transaction, then sends it over the peers network. If there's any error with given address/amount or network, it raises an exception.
One can validate address and fee by using following methods:
try bitcoinKit.validate(address: "mrjQyzbX9SiJxRC2mQhT4LvxFEmt9KEeRY")
try bitcoinKit.fee(for: 1000000, toAddress: "mrjQyzbX9SiJxRC2mQhT4LvxFEmt9KEeRY", senderPay: true, feeRate: 10000)
parameter defines who pays the fee
You can use parse
method to parse a BIP21 URI:
bitcoinKit.parse(paymentAddress: "bitcoin:175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Zx6rewF9WQrcZv245W?amount=50&label=Luke-Jr&message=Donation%20for%20project%20xyz")
// ▿ BitcoinPaymentData
// - address : "175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Zx6rewF9WQrcZv245W"
// - version : nil
// ▿ amount : Optional<Double>
// - some : 50.0
// ▿ label : Optional<String>
// - some : "Luke-Jr"
// ▿ message : Optional<String>
// - some : "Donation for project xyz"
// - parameters : nil
Kits provide with data like transactions, blocks, balance, kits state in real-time. BitcoinCoreDelegate
protocol must be implemented and set to Kits instance to receive that data.
class Manager {
init(words: [String]) {
bitcoinKit = BitcoinKit(withWords: words, walletId: "bitcoin-wallet-id")
bitcoinKit.delegate = self
extension Manager: BitcoinCoreDelegate {
func transactionsUpdated(inserted: [TransactionInfo], updated: [TransactionInfo]) {
func transactionsDeleted(hashes: [String]) {
func balanceUpdated(balance: Int) {
func lastBlockInfoUpdated(lastBlockInfo: BlockInfo) {
public func kitStateUpdated(state: BitcoinCore.KitState) {
// BitcoinCore.KitState can be one of 3 following states:
// .synced
// .syncing(progress: Double)
// .notSynced
// These states can be used to implement progress bar, etc
Listener events are run in a dedicated background thread. It can be switched to main thread by setting the delegateQueue
property to DispatchQueue.main
bitcoinKit.delegateQueue = DispatchQueue.main
- Xcode 10.0+
- Swift 5+
- iOS 11+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.5.0+ is required to build BitcoinKit.
To integrate BitcoinKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'BitcoinCore.swift'
pod 'BitcoinKit.swift'
pod 'BitcoinCashKit.swift'
pod 'DashKit.swift'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
All features of the library are used in example project. It can be referred as a starting point for usage of the library.
- HSHDWalletKit - HD Wallet related features, mnemonic phrase generation.
- OpenSslKit.swift - Crypto functions required for working with blockchain.
- Secp256k1Kit.swift - Crypto functions required for working with blockchain.
The BitcoinKit-iOS
toolkit is open source and available under the terms of the MIT License.