Welcome to the WuHack Server
The project is controlled through Github and hosted on AWS
I) Getting the project
- navigate to a folder on your hard drive where you want the repository to be in terminal.
- Type: git clone https://github.com/Dacode45/wuhack2014
II) Making changes
- Edit the files in your local repository
- type: git add *
- type: git status. Filles to be uploaded in green. Files to be deleted in red
- type: git commit -m "I made changes and boom boom! "
- type: git push orign master
- Check on github that your stuff uploaded.
III) Loging into AWS
- In terminal cd to your .ssh folder (google it numbnuts)
- type: touch config
- type: nano config
- type: Host me HostName User ubuntu IdentityFile save file nano: control-x n Enter
IV) Pulling Changes
- type: cd /var/www/html/swag
- type: sudo git pull
V) View changes site at http://ec2-54-68-69-213.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/swag/