PNG Decoder/Encoder/image processing with no dependencies.
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original | grayscale | gamma correction | FT(power spectrum) |
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import img4d;
Img4d img = new Img4d();
Pixel colorPix = img.load("png_img/lena.png");
Pixel grayPix = img.rgbToGrayscale(colorPix);
bool encodedData =, "png_img/encoded_lena_1.png");
- ref auto load(string filename)
- ubyte[] save(ref Pixel pix, string filename)
- bool save(ref Pixel pix, string filename, ubyte[] ancillary_chunks)
- bool isGrayscale(int colorType)
- auto canny(T)(T[][] actualData, int tMin, int tMax)
- ref auto rgbToGrayscale(T)(ref Pixel pix, bool fastMode=false)
- pure auto differ(T)(ref T[][] origin, ref T[][] target)
- pure auto mask(T)(ref T[][][] colorTarget, ref T[][] gray)
- Complex!(double)[][] dft(ubyte[][] data, Header hdr)
- Complex!(double)[][] lpf(Complex!(double)[][] dft_matrix, int radius = 50)
- Complex!(double)[][] hpf(Complex!(double)[][] dft_matrix, int radius = 50)
- Complex!(double)[][] bpf(Complex!(double)[][] dft_matrix, int radius_low = 20, int radius_high = 50)
- ubyte[][] psd(Complex!(double)[][] dft_matrix)
- int[ubyte] pixelHistgram(ubyte[][] data)
- ubyte[][] gammaCorrection(ubyte[][] data, double gamma)
- auto rectangle(ref ubyte[][] src, int[] pos, int[] size)
- auto templateMatching(Header templateHeader, Header inputHeader, ubyte[][] templateImage, ubyte[][] inputImage, int type)
- auto qualityEvaluation(ubyte[][] img_reference, ubyte[][] img_evaluation, QualityEvaluationType type)
Header readIHDR(ubyte[] header)
Set Header struct and Return its struct- Params:
ubyte[] header: Header byte-data
- Params:
int byteToInt(T)(T[] data)
Return ChunkData-length(Convert byte array to int) -
string byteToString(T)(T[] data)
Return Chunk Type(Convert byte array to string) -
ubyte[] readIDAT(ubyte[] data)
Calculate CRC and Return IDAT Chunk-Data- Params:
ubyte[] data : IDAT array expect for Chunk-Data-Size
- Params:
void crcCheck(ubyte[] crc, in ubyte[] chunk)
The function of CRC calculation- Params
ubyte[] crc : The CRC code at the end of the chunk
ubyte[] chunk : Byte array to be CRC calculated
- Params
int paethPredictor(int left, int upper, int upperLeft)
Calculate and Return Paeth-Predictor -
int normalizePixelValue(int value)
Return the value which are subtracted 256 if it exceeds 256 -
auto ubyte[][] inverseFiltering(ref ubyte[][] data, bool gray = false)
ubyte[][] parse(ref Header info, string filename)
void set32bitInt(ref ubyte[4] buf, uint data)
void set32bitInt(ref ubyte[2] buf, uint data)
uint read32bitInt(in ubyte[] buf)
auto makeChunk(ubyte[] chunk_type, ubyte[] chunk_data)
ubyte[] makeIHDR()
Return IHDR which required for encoding -
ubyte[] makeIDAT()
Return IDAT which required for encoding -
auto makeAncillary(int chunk_length, ubyte[] chunk_type, ubyte[] chunk_data)
ubyte[] makeIEND()
Return IEND which required for encoding -
auto makeCrc(ubyte[] data)
Calculate and Return CRC value -
int[] sumScanline(ref ubyte[][] src)
Cast to int[] and Calculate sum every horizontal line -
ubyte[][] chooseFilterType()
Choose optimal filter and Return filtered pixel
- pure ref auto inverseSub(ref ubyte[][] scanline)
- pure ubyte[][] sub(ref ubyte[][] src)
Calculate and Return Sub filter(Difference from left pixel) - pure ubyte[][] up(ref ubyte[][] src)
- ubyte[][] ave(string op, string variable)(ubyte[][] src)
- ubyte[][] paeth(string op, string variable)(ubyte[][] src)
- pure ref auto joinVertical(T)(ref T[][] src)
Make array vertical
- auto differential(T)(T[][] array, T[][] filter)
- auto gradient(T)(T[][] Gr, T[][] Gth)
- auto hysteresis(T)(T[][] src, int t_min, int t_max)
- Complex!(double)[] _dft(Complex!(double)[] data, int num)
- Complex!(double)[][] transpose(Complex!(double)[][] matrix, int h, int w)
- ubyte[][] shift(ubyte[][] data, int h, int w)
- this(Header templateHeader, Header inputHeader, ubyte[][] templateImage, ubyte[][] inputImage)
- int[] SSD
Sum of Squared Difference - int[] SAD
Sum of Absolute Difference - int[] NCC
Normalized Cross Correlation - int[] ZNCC
Zero means Normalized Cross Correlation
- this(Header hdr, ubyte[][] img_reference, ubyte[][] img_evaluation)
- double PixelSquare(ubyte[][] img)
calculate squared sum of each pixel - double SE()
Squared Error - double MSE()
Mean Squared Error - double NormalizedMSE()
Normalized Squared Error - double SNR()
Signal-to-Noise Ratio - double PSNR()
Peak signal-to-noise ratio - auto MSSIM()
Mean Structural SIMilarity