Releases: DP-3T/dp3t-sdk-backend
Releases · DP-3T/dp3t-sdk-backend
- cbeaf33: java 17, spring 2.7 and minor dependencies (Daniel Gstöhl) #315
- 472a887: update workshops for jva17 (Daniel Gstöhl) #315
- 1c02242: quick fix for spring circular dependency (Daniel Gstöhl) #315
- 344303a: fix dependency versions and testing certs (Daniel Gstoehl) #315
- 8cf9f2e: update jacoco (Daniel Gstoehl) #315
Merge pull request #309 from DP-3T/develop PR Release 2.2.1
- [4e9c4ad]: use p12 for signing certificate (Felix Haller) #300
- [5ae34ea]: Make Sonar happy :) (alig) #300
- [d9cb07b]: efgs hub interops refactoring (Felix Haller) #301
- [b19d2d9]: Update readme with new db schemas (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [1013e5a]: add a section about interops (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [7396cd5]: push dsos docs (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [0dbc344]: add dsos config properties description (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [29d80d9]: start configuration properties (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [3f672a3]: add documentation to properties (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [0d13210]: Add tables for more description for db schema (Martin Alig) #303
- [07327d2]: update the configuration properties (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [189ea45]: add some introduction text (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [e35a219]: add initial section for sync (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [080eb3c]: add some sync logic documentation (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [f709634]: restructure upload batching logic documentation (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [0d1b4ac]: add dsos picture (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [0d42443]: fix some typos (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [c410238]: add intial draft for db field documentation (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [a550ce6]: Spring Version Up. Cleanup. Version up to 2.2.0 (alig) #304
- [beef560]: Fix Inserts for Timestamps. (alig) #304
- [79b70b6]: Make sure Prometheus endpoints are enabled in tests. (alig) #304
- [b94a937]: Fix Query with Timestamp for debug dataservice (alig) #304
- [d49432c]: Spring Boot Version (Martin Alig) #303
- [66b5447]: Add description to the column (Martin Alig) #303
- [1d1e7f0]: fix suggestions in readme (Patrick Amrein) #303
- [191d56a]: Add SyncTest for local testing and update rest template sslcontext (Felix Haller) #294
- [e5851df]: remove hostnameverifier (Felix Haller) #294
- [0096b47]: Extend Model. Rename (alig) #294
- [3d30b3e]: EFGS upload with correct values and defaults (Felix Haller) #294
- [17a5906]: EFGS downloaded keys upsert through insert manager (Felix Haller) #294
- [3a7d712]: Set all props from downloaded protos (alig) #294
- [3db3474]: Fix code formatting (Fabian Aggeler) #294
- [c6d308e]: Add tests for DSOS filter logic (Fabian Aggeler) #290
- [39b68d2]: Add controller to generate and add random keys to the database for load-testing purposes (Fabian Aggeler) #289
- [38fbcf9]: Run maven (tests) for all pull-requests (Fabian Aggeler) #290
- [63900e8]: Fix DSOS range filter (Fabian Aggeler) #290
- [8790bfd]: Run action for all pull-requests (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [9c5020f]: Cache maven and sonar packages (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [2cb7073]: Simplify sonar task by moving sonar pull-requst properties to pom.xml (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [0f26502]: Update testcontainers dependency (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [1bfecc8]: Read pull-request key from github.event variable (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [27d8c84]: Run sonar analysis directly (without "verify" since "mvn install" already did that) (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [6de0066]: Update to cache@v2 action (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [6e588d6]: Run "mvn clean" before building (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [26145fc]: Fix detection of issue (Linus Gasser) #292
- [f832bb5]: Make EFGS DSOS Filter configurable (enabled/disabled and separate cut-off thresholds) (Fabian Aggeler) #290
- [dbd55f8]: Cleanup (add copyright header and remove unused files) (Fabian Aggeler) #296
- [68a7349]: Merge branch 'feature/gaen-v2-international-interops' into feature/update-interop (Fabian Aggeler) #295
- [5e91f96]: Rename configuration properties to interops.* (Fabian Aggeler) #296
- Exctract claculateDsos to it's own class (EfgsDsosUtil) to make it testable #297 (Fabian Aggeler)
- [9520435]: Add test cases for EfgsDsosUtil (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [d343fb4]: Fix calculation of (calendar) days since submission (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [a0b4a84]: Add zero points for the different DSOS mappings (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [418012c]: Code formatting (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [feddebe]: Add comments to assertions (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [3db3474]: Fix code formatting (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294
- [c6d308e]: Add tests for DSOS filter logic (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#290
- [39b68d2]: Add controller to generate and add random keys to the database for load-testing purposes (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#289
- [38fbcf9]: Run maven (tests) for all pull-requests (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#290
- [63900e8]: Fix DSOS range filter (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#290
- [8790bfd]: Run action for all pull-requests (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [9c5020f]: Cache maven and sonar packages (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [2cb7073]: Simplify sonar task by moving sonar pull-requst properties to pom.xml (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [0f26502]: Update testcontainers dependency (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [1bfecc8]: Read pull-request key from github.event variable (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [27d8c84]: Run sonar analysis directly (without "verify" since "mvn install" already did that) (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [6de0066]: Update to cache@v2 action (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [6e588d6]: Run "mvn clean" before building (Fabian Aggeler) #291
- [26145fc]: Fix detection of issue (Linus Gasser) #292
- [f832bb5]: Make EFGS DSOS Filter configurable (enabled/disabled and separate cut-off thresholds) (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#290
- [dbd55f8]: Cleanup (add copyright header and remove unused files) (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#296
- [68a7349]: Merge branch 'feature/gaen-v2-international-interops' into feature/update-interop (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#295
- [5e91f96]: Rename configuration properties to interops.* (Fabian Aggeler) #297,#294,#296
- Exctract claculateDsos to it's own class (EfgsDsosUtil) to make it testable #297 (Fabian Aggeler)
- [9520435]: Add test cases for EfgsDsosUtil (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [d343fb4]: Fix calculation of (calendar) days since submission (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [a0b4a84]: Add zero points for the different DSOS mappings (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [418012c]: Code formatting (Fabian Aggeler) #297
- [bc1ecf3]: Add controller to generate and add random keys to the database for load-testing purposes (Fabian Aggeler)
- [0ab06aa]: Manual DB Connection Pool Config for Cloudfoundry Environment (alig) #218
- [6ce8308]: Make Leak Detection Threshold configurable. (alig) #218
- [a52d648]: Set Map with configs in DatasourceConfig constructor. (alig) #218
- [5db5dcd]: Update the swagger doc (Linus Gasser) #264
- [0c5fed8]: Update dpppt-backend-sdk/dpppt-backend-sdk-data/src/main/java/org/dpppt/backend/sdk/data/gaen/ (Martin Alig) #265
- [4bc4a6e]: App API extended for international. DB insertion and retrieval extended for international. (alig)
- [ef46b00]: Add Interops Module (alig)
- [5844350]: Add first impl for irish hub sync. Download only (alig)
- [673f55b]: Use system properties when creating HttpClientBuilder (includes proxy settings) (Fabian Aggeler)
- [5554316]: Update dpppt-backend-sdk/dpppt-backend-sdk-model/src/main/proto/TemporaryExposureKeyFormatV2.proto (Martin Alig) #265
- [1bdbd9f]: Add unit test for no early release for the since method. (alig) #265
- [1380386]: Test Setup for GaenV2Controller (alig) #265
- [46b12b7]: extend key upload test and verify result when using key-bundle-tag (Simon Rösch) #265
- [8e51bb5]: fix code format (Simon Rösch) #265
- [37a2b74]: Shuffle keys before writting to protobuf (alig) #265
- [227f6c3]: add test to verify upload and release of key with shortened rolling period (Simon Rösch) #265
- [28718c3]: Merge branch 'develop' into merge-master-back (Fabian Aggeler) #266
- [c51e721]: Reformat (Fabian Aggeler) #266
- [86b24da]: Resolve merge conflict (Fabian Aggeler) #266
- [6043c90]: Reformat (Fabian Aggeler) #266
- [1ec7dcc]: Set default values (Fabian Aggeler) #266
- [079097a]: Make Cloud Tests work again. (alig) #266
- [c16a6a0]: Shuffle keys for /v1/gaen/getExposed endpoint (Linus Gasser) #277
- [42b0e88]: Allow useragents that add more properites. Just make sure that at least 5 values are there. (alig) #278
- [fc9d2bc]: Update Spring Boot to 2.3.5. Adapt Tests. Start versioning for artifacts. (alig) #280
- [b51ad2b]: Build Step is not needed atm. (alig) #280
- [8fef849]: Revert back to version in each pom.xml. (using revision makes problems in other goals. (swagger/sonar) (alig) #280
- [bbcae2a]: Revert "Build Step is not needed atm." (alig) #280
- [8222423]: Add GaenV2Controller for doku generator. (alig) #280
- [febb0a1]: Merge branch 'develop' into feature/gaen-v2-international-interops (alig)
- [3d7aaf0]: Update to Spring Boot 2.3.6 (alig) #281
- [730f34a]: Make workflow work again. (Martin Alig) #281
- [253c505]: Remove unused path. Add path for v2 (alig) #282
- Irish Hub Sync (alig)
- [c0d8291]: Add Test for Post without Token (alig) #282
- [3023ff5]: add test to verify upload and release of key on v1 api (Simon Rösch) #283
- [4f70788]: remove pseudo sql code (Simon Rösch) #283
- use v2 sql logic for v1. only one sql query for loading keys. #283 (alig)
- [0b3d004]: fix publishedUntil handling on v1 dataservice implementation (Simon Rösch) #283
- [7ff8c35]: Fix dataservice tests. Extend some tests to check v1 and v2 together. (alig) #283
- [2059cc1]: Create codeql-analysis.yml (Martin Alig)
- [fa208f6]: Update codeql-analysis.yml (Martin Alig)
- [25e6102]: Update codeql-analysis.yml (Martin Alig)
- [92b30a3]: fix batch release time check for devices that were offline for 10 days (Simon Rösch) #284
- [05c7607]: check batchReleaseTime is in the past (Simon Rösch) #284
- [57b3350]: check batchReleaseTime is in the past (alig) #286
- [d2a1c4f]: Prepare for Release 2.0.2 (alig) #286
- [[ec7214c](
- [5db5dcd]: Update the swagger doc (Linus Gasser) #264
- [c5ee830]: DB model extended for visited countries. DB model adapted for new key format. Insertion and retrieval for v1/v2 non international working with visited countries. (alig)
- [4bc4a6e]: App API extended for international. DB insertion and retrieval extended for international. (alig)
- [ef46b00]: Add Interops Module (alig)
- [5844350]: Add first impl for irish hub sync. Download only (alig)
- [673f55b]: Use system properties when creating HttpClientBuilder (includes proxy settings) (Fabian Aggeler)
- [fc9d2bc]: Update Spring Boot to 2.3.5. Adapt Tests. Start versioning for artifacts. (alig) #280
- [b51ad2b]: Build Step is not needed atm. (alig) #280
- [8fef849]: Revert back to version in each pom.xml. (using revision makes problems in other goals. (swagger/sonar) (alig) #280
- [bbcae2a]: Revert "Build Step is not needed atm." (alig) #280
- [8222423]: Add GaenV2Controller for doku generator. (alig) #280
- [febb0a1]: Merge branch 'develop' into feature/gaen-v2-international-interops (alig)
- [3d7aaf0]: Update to Spring Boot 2.3.6 (alig) #281
- [730f34a]: Make workflow work again. (Martin Alig) #281
- [253c505]: Remove unused path. Add path for v2 (alig) #282
- Irish Hub Sync (alig)
- [c0d8291]: Add Test for Post without Token (alig) #282
- [3023ff5]: add test to verify upload and release of key on v1 api (Simon Rösch) #283
- [4f70788]: remove pseudo sql code (Simon Rösch) #283
- use v2 sql logic for v1. only one sql query for loading keys. #283 (alig)
- [0b3d004]: fix publishedUntil handling on v1 dataservice implementation (Simon Rösch) #283
- [7ff8c35]: Fix dataservice tests. Extend some tests to check v1 and v2 together. (alig) #283
- [2059cc1]: Create codeql-analysis.yml (Martin Alig)
- [fa208f6]: Update codeql-analysis.yml (Martin Alig)
- [25e6102]: Update codeql-analysis.yml (Martin Alig)
- [92b30a3]: fix batch release time check for devices that were offline for 10 days (Simon Rösch) #284
- [05c7607]: check batchReleaseTime is in the past (Simon Rösch) #284
- [507725f]: Merge branch 'master' into develop (alig)
- [79ee5b3]: Version Up. (alig)
- [5d9b249]: Refactor International DB. Refactor WS for new client facing api. (alig)
- [1587847]: Gateway configs via properties POC (Felix Haller)
- [2f2cc97]: Interface for client. TODOs for sync process (alig)
- [b60bedc]: Merge develop back into interops (alig)
- [939b149]: Fix tests (alig)
- [97d0591]: Refactor upper-case abbreviations (Felix Haller)
- [1b6a980]: EFGS Hub Sync (Felix Haller)
- [20e2059]: Remove SyncTest for now (Felix Haller)
- [f42f4a1]: remove placeholders from (Felix Haller)
- [2b9f755]: Switch to int (alig)
- [ebc8e63]: Set UploadDate for Upload (alig)
- [191d56a]: Add SyncTest for local testing and update rest template sslcontext (Felix Haller)
- [e5851df]: remove hostnameverifier (Felix Haller)
- [0096b47]: Extend Model. Rename (alig)
- [3d30b3e]: EFGS upload with correct values and defaults (Felix Haller)
- [17a5906]: EFGS downloaded keys upsert through insert manager (Felix Haller)