Releases: DOI-USGS/what-is-drought
Releases · DOI-USGS/what-is-drought
Updated footer urls
Updated footer urls
DAP tag
Merge pull request #68 from jzemmels/main Add DAP GA tag
Switch to Google Tag Manager
UA/GA4 tags replaced with GTM tag
Initial release
Initial release of the 'What is streamflow drought?' website
New npm setup
Upgrades to latest version of node
, uses sass
in place of node-sass
and makes other changes to the npm build
Point to new debian version
Merge pull request #65 from hcorson-dosch-usgs/edit_docker_image repoint docker image to stable debian release tag
Adjust mobile display and scrolling
Merge pull request #63 from hcorson-dosch-usgs/adjust_mobile Adjust mobile
keyboard and screenreader navigation
Edits to improve screenreader and keyboard navigation
Summary card, authorship
Merge pull request #60 from hcorson-dosch-usgs/switch_twitter_card_type switch to summary card
Update meta cards
switch to static image