Welcome to the repository containing an example of raw MWD data converted into the DIGGS (Drilling Industry Geotechnical Data Exchange Standard) file format. This repository serves as a demonstration of the conversion process and provides insights into the structure of MWD data in DIGGS format.
Measurement While Drilling (MWD) is a technique used in drilling operations to provide real-time data about the borehole, including direction, inclination, and other parameters. This repository contains multiple examples of different formats of MWD data, along with the conversion into the DIGGS format.
- Raw Data: The
Hatlapa_Format(.guh) file contains an example of raw MWD data in structured text format. - Converted DIGGS File: The
file contains the same data converted into the DIGGS format.
To view the raw MWD data and the corresponding DIGGS file, simply navigate to the respective files in this repository.
To utilize the conversion process for your own MWD data:
- Ensure your raw MWD data is in a structured text format similar to the provided example.
- Utilize the conversion script provided in the
file to convert your data into the DIGGS format. - Customize the conversion script as per your specific data format and requirements.
- DIGGS Specification: Official documentation for the DIGGS standard.
- Interactive MWD Data Example: Additional tools and resources for analyzing MWD data.
Contributions to improve the conversion process, enhance documentation, or provide additional examples are welcome. Please submit pull requests with your proposed changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Special thanks to the DIGGS community and contributors for developing and maintaining the standard.