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How to connect to a virtual machine over SSH

VS Code: Remote Development over SSH

  1. Install ‘Remote – SSH’ extension in VSCode: vscode:extension/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh
  2. Click the remote server button in the bottom left corner of VSCode (Icon looks like an unleveled > <)
  3. Choose “Connect to Host..”
  4. Enter SSH host: (port 22)
  5. Put in username and password of openHPC
  6. If it worked, the bottom left corner banner will now show the Remote host icon and “SSH:”
  7. Follow all steps prompted by VScode

Adding remote repository connection (ie. cloning)

GitHub Docs: Managing Remote Repositories
Free Code Camp: Fetching Remote Branches
Git: First Time Git Setup

  1. In the Terminal, use git remote add origin [email protected]:DIDSR/HTT.home.git
  2. Verify new remote with git remote -v
  3. Add github account information to git config a. git config --global “[[username]]” b. git config --global [[userEmail]]
  4. Check git branches git branch -r
  5. Specify default branch git config --global init.defaultBranch [[branchName]]
  6. Check git config file git config --list
  7. To download repo changes use git pull origin for all branches changes
  8. Then git checkout to merge the changes
  9. If you want to download and merge in one: use git pull --all

Adding gems

  1. Configure bundler for project in Terminal: bundle config set path vendor/bundle
    Mine: bundle config set path /home/emma.gardecki/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin
    Should create a file /.bundle/config with the BUNDLE_PATH
  2. Use gem install --user-install [[gem_name]]
    List of gems:
    i. bundle
    ii. bundler
    iii. commonmarker
    iv. gemoji
    v. github-pages
    vi. jekyll
    vii. kramdown
    viii. listen
    ix. nokogiri
    x. racc
    xi. rake
    xii. rougify
    xiii. sass
    xiv. sass-convert
    xv. scss
  3. Update gems gem update
  4. Update bundle bundle update -> this could make changes to Gemfile and Gemfile.Lock

Locally deploy site

  1. If changes to any gems or config, bundle update
  2. To locally deploy, bundle exec jekyll serve

Regular git terminal actions

GitHub issue: Detatched Head State Fix

  • The easier way to commit is using the Source Control icon on the right toolbar in VSCode, write message, stage commits and push all right there
  1. If you want to download and merge in one: use git pull --all
  2. To commit changes git commit -m for short message changes
    To make long message commit git commit which will open Vim interface for commit message
  3. To push changes git push origin [[branchname]]
  4. To check connection git fsck
  5. To switch between branches git switch [[branchname]]
  6. To remove remote connection, git remote rm [[branchname]]
  7. Add file to commit, git add [file path]
  8. Check what commits are staged, git status
  9. If you want to download and merge in one: use git pull --all
  10. Make new branch, git checkout -b [branchName]
  11. Make commit, git commit -m "[message]"
  12. Connect newBranch to server, git push origin -u [branchName] (only need to do this with first commit of a new branch)


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