First install a recent version of pandoc. Next install Python >3.6
and pypandoc
pip install pypandoc
Assuming we have a directory with submissions in the top folder of this repo, we can
convert the source files using the
script. For example, to convert the
submission of Murchison from markdown to HTML, we run the following:
python --source_format markdown --target_format html --input_dir submission/Murchison-Companjen-submission --output_dir public/Murchison-Companjen-submission --css ../../static/css/1.0.2/styles.css --template dhbenelux.template
(Note that stylesheets may be versioned, adapt the path accordingly.)
Next start a web server to view the output, e.g.:
python -m http.server 8888
To convert the submission of Kemman from LaTeX to HTML, run the following:
python --source_format latex --target_format html --input_dir submission/Kemman-final-submission --output_dir public/Kemman-final-submission --css ../../static/css/1.0.2/styles.css --template dhbenelux.template
To prepend a certain path to media sources in the HTML, use the prepend_path option, e.g.:
--prepend_path /wp-content/journal/issues/media/
It is possible to convert an entire volume of articles from LaTeX to PDF or HTML. This requires the LaTeX sources of the articles to be in their own directories within an input directory for the volume. The output directory must be a separate directory.
python3 --source_format latex --target_format pdf --input_dir latex_dir/ --output_dir pdf_dir/ --template ../../static/latex/dhbenelux.cls
python3 --source_format latex --target_format html --input_dir latex_dir/ --output_dir html_dir/ --css ../../static/css/1.0.2/styles.css --template dhbenelux.template
The volume input directory should have the following structure:
+-- article-11-surname/
| +-- main.tex
| +-- references.bib
| +-- images/
| +-- image_1.png
| +-- ...
+-- article-26-surname/
| +-- main.tex
| +-- references.bib
| +-- images/
| +-- image_1.png
+-- ...