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This is a compact arduino compatible ozone sensor module that can easily and accurately measure the concentration of ozone gas in the environment.
It can be widely used in portable instruments, air quality monitoring equipment, disinfection cabinets, smart homes and other equipment places.



Table of Contents


  • The ozone sensor launched by DFRobot adopts the principle of electrochemistry and has been calibrated before leaving the factory, which can accurately measure the ozone concentration in the environment.
  • And it has the characteristics of anti-interference, high stability and high sensitivity.
  • The resolution can reach 10ppb
  • support 3.3~5.5V wide voltage input
  • use I2C output
  • compatible with mainstream devices such as Arduino, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, etc
  • the service life in the air is up to two years


There are two methods for using this library:

  1. Open Arduino IDE, search for "DFRobot_OzoneSensor" on the status bar in Tools ->Manager Libraries and install the library.
  2. Download the library file before use, paste it into \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief initialization function 
   * @param i2c address
   * @n     OZONE_ADDRESS_0  0x70
   * @n     OZONE_ADDRESS_1  0x71
   * @n     OZONE_ADDRESS_2  0x72
   * @n     OZONE_ADDRESS_3  0x73
   * @return bool type
   * @retval true initialization success
   * @retval false initialization failed
  bool begin(uint8_t addr = OZONE_ADDRESS_0);

   * @fn setModes
   * @brief Set mode Active or passive measurement.
   * @param mode mode is Active or passive.
   * @n       MEASURE_MODE_AUTOMATIC    active  mode
   * @n       MEASURE_MODE_PASSIVE      passive mode
   * @return None
  void setModes(uint8_t mode);

   * @fn readOzoneData
   * @brief read ozone data.
   * @param collectNum is the number of data collected,(The default value is 20)
   * @n       COLLECT_NUMBER       The collection range is 1-100
   * @return ozone concentration: one part per billion (PPB).
  int16_t readOzoneData(uint8_t collectNum = 20);


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno
Arduino MEGA2560
Arduino Leonardo


  • 2019/10/10 - V1.0.0 Version
  • 2023/08/02 - V1.0.1 Version


Written by ZhixinLiu([email protected]), 2020. (Welcome to our website)