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Temporo mandibular Joint Ostea Arthritis analysis tools

Contributors : Celia Le, Tengfei Li

Scripts for TMJOAI project


python 3.7.9 with the libraries : numpy (v1.19.5) pandas (v1.2.0) scikit-learn (0.24.0) colour seaborn matplotlib statsmodels xgboost (v1.3.1) lightgbm (v3.1.1)

What is it?

TMJOAI is a prediction tool of the health status of a patient for TemporoMandibular Joint Osteoarthitis (TMJ OA).

It uses decision tree algorithms for machine learning.

It has 2 features :

  • Making a prediction of the health status if the input file does not contain it : the output is a csv file containing the health prediction.
  • Adding data to the dataset and train the machine learning models : the output contains the evaluation metrics of the model and several statistical plots (circplot, manhattanplot, Boxplot, ROC curve).

inputfile: csv file containing patient's data to predict health status -> Prediction | csv file containing data to add to the dataset -> Training

File containing training dataset: Data.csv

Running the code

bash src/ -i inputfile

The tool to use (prediction or training) is determined wheter the inputfile contains the health status of the patient or not.


python3 src/ file/to/predict -o output/file -f models/folder

input: csv file not containing the health status of a patient

output: csv file containing the prediction (healthy or diseased)

The prediction is based on the average prediction of the trained models (50 XGBoost models and 50 LightGBM models).

usage: [-h] [--folder FOLDER] [--output OUTPUT] input

positional arguments:
  input                             input csv file with data to predict

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  --folder FOLDER, -f FOLDER        folder containing the models
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT        output file


bash src/ -i file/to/add/to/dataset -d file/containing/dataset -o output/file

Input: csv file containg data to add to the training dataset

Output: trained models, evaluation metrics, statistical plots

What it does:

  • Add data to Data.csv (containing the full dataset)
  • Preprocess the data: Interaction file, AUC file
  • Create statistical plots: circplot, manhattanplot (with and without interaction terms)
  • Train the machine learning models: 5 models have been tested (XGBoost, LightGBM, RandomForest, RidgeRegression, LogisticRegression); 2 models (XGBoost and LightGBM) are used to make the final prediction
  • Calculate evaluation metrics: metrics of the different models trained, average of these metrics and metrics of the final model
  • Create plots based on the models training: ROC, Boxplot_contribution, Boxplot_values

The models are trained using a default 10 times 5-folds cross-validation.

Each time, the random seed for spliting the folds for the cross validation varies between seed1 and seed_end.

Program to train the OA prediction tool

Syntax: [--OPTIONS]
-i|--inputfile         Name of the file containing the values to add to the training dataset.
-d|--datafile          Name of the file contraining all the training data.
--interaction_file     Name of the file contraining the interactions features calculated from the training data.
-a|--auc               Name of the file contraining the AUC value of each interaction feature.
-o|--output_folder     Name of the output folder to save the outputs.
-s|--src_folder        Name of the source folder containing the python scripts.
-m|--model_folder      Name of the source folder to save the trained models.
--seed1                First random seed to split the folds for the cross validation.
--seed_end             Last random seed to split the folds for the cross validation.
--nbr_folds            Number of folds for the cross validation.
-h|--help              Print this Help.


You can get the tmjoai docker image by running the folowing command line:

docker pull dcbia/oai:latest


To run the training inside the docker container, run the following command line:

docker run --rm -v */my/input/file*:/app/$(basename */my/input/file*) -v */my/dataset/file*:/app/$(basename */my/dataset/file*) -v */my/output/folder*:/app/out -v */my/models/folder*:/app/models dcbia/oai:latest bash src/ -i /app/$(basename */my/input/file*) -d /app/$(basename */my/dataset/file*) -o /app/out -m /app/models


To run the prediction inside the docker container, run the following command line:

docker run --rm -v */my/input/file*:/app/$(basename */my/input/file*) -v */my/output/folder*:/app/out dcbia/oai:latest python3 /app/OAI/python/src/ /app/$(basename */my/input/file*) -o /app/out/prediction.csv --folder /app/OAI/python/Models_AF

Add data to the dataset

python3 src/

Verifies if the data in the inputfile is already in the file containing the dataset, if not, it adds the data at the end of the file.

usage: [-h] [--file FILE] input

positional arguments:
  input                 input csv data file to add to the training dataset

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE, -f FILE  csv file containing all the training data


python3 src/

Calculates the interaction between the features by multiplying each of them together.

usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] input

positional arguments:
  input                         input csv file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT    output file

python3 src/

Calculates the AUC of each feature.

usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT]
                    [--first_seed FIRST_SEED] [--last_seed LAST_SEED]
                    [--folds FOLDS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT       input csv interraction file
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT    output filename
  --first_seed FIRST_SEED       number of the first seed
  --last_seed LAST_SEED         number of the last seed
  --folds FOLDS                 number of the folds for cross-validation

Create statistical plots

python3 src/

Draws circular plot containing the AUC, the pvalues and the qvalues of the features.

usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--sort SORT]
                    [--original_features ORIGINAL_FEATURES]
                    [--min_auc MIN_AUC]

positional arguments:
  input                 input csv file (original or interraction features

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT                output filename
  --sort SORT                               method for sorting values (AUC,pval,qval)
  --original_features ORIGINAL_FEATURES     number of original features without interractions
  --min_auc MIN_AUC                         minimum AUC to select features

python3 src/

Draws manhattan plot of the AUC, pvalues and qvalues of the features.

usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT]
                         [--original_features ORIGINAL_FEATURES]

positional arguments:
  input                                     input csv file (original or interraction features)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT                output filename
  --original_features ORIGINAL_FEATURES     number of original features to remove from interractions

Train the machine learning models

python3 src/

python3 src/

python3 src/

python3 src/

usage: [-h] [--interactions INTERACTIONS] [--auc AUC]
                        [--output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                        show this help message and exit
  --interactions INTERACTIONS, -i INTERACTIONS      input csv interraction file
  --auc AUC                                         input csv AUC file
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT                        output folder

python3 src/

usage: [-h] [--interactions INTERACTIONS] [--auc AUC]
                        [--output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                        show this help message and exit
  --interactions INTERACTIONS, -i INTERACTIONS      input csv interraction file
  --auc AUC                                         input csv AUC file
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT                        output folder

python3 src/

Makes the average prediction of all the prediction made by the previously trained models.

The prediction of the health status of each patient is made by averaging the prediction made by all the models not using the patient for the training (10 out of 100 models).

usage: [-h] [--interactions INTERACTIONS] [--auc AUC]
                           [--output OUTPUT] [--folder FOLDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                        show this help message and exit
  --interactions INTERACTIONS, -i INTERACTIONS      input csv interraction file to test
  --auc AUC                                         input csv AUC file
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT                        output folder
  --folder FOLDER, -f FOLDER                        models folder

Create plots based on the models training

python3 src/

Returns the evaluation metrics of the trained models, their average and the metrics of the final model.

usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--folder FOLDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT        output filename
  --folder FOLDER                   folder to evaluate

Calculate evaluation metrics: metrics of the different models trained, average of these metrics and metrics of the final model

python3 src/

Draws the ROC curve of the trained models and the top features.

usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT]
                         [--folder FOLDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT           input interaction features csv file
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT        output filename
  --folder FOLDER                   folder to evaluate

python3 src/

Draws boxplot of the top features values and contributions.

usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT]
                        [--folder FOLDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT           input interraction features csv file
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT        output folder
  --folder FOLDER, -f FOLDER        folder to evaluate


Scripts for OAI project






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